Chapter 48 - Birthday Boy

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Susie opened the door to find Kris playing Super Smashing Fighters. 

"Hey!" He yelled over the blaring TV. "It's about time you're home."

"Oh, I wasn't gone that long." She smiled as she spoke. 

"You should join me. And by the way, my mom's not home. She had to go to some safety thing for school."

Susie snickered. "Yeah, she'd kill you if you had the volume this loud."

"Should I turn it down?"

"Nah, this is how loud I'd have it if I lived by myself." She sat down next to Kris and grabbed a controller. "I'm gonna whoop your ass." 


As time went on, Kris absolutely destroyed Susie almost every single game they played, so Susie play shoved him off of the couch. Susie laughed. "Get destroyed, nerd."

"In what way did you destroy me?"

"I knocked you off of the stage. I win."

"That's... not how..." Kris giggled and hopped back onto the couch. "Oh my god. You're funny."

"Was that sarcasm?" She jokingly asked.

"No, you're seriously funny. Anyway, should we play some more?"

"Awe. Thanks, Kris." She picked her controller back up. "Sure, let's play some more."

"Of course. Maybe if you stopped playing the same character you'd do better." Kris chuckled. "No offense!"

"But she's cool! Who else would I pick?" She asked. 

"Use her."

"Okay. She looks pretty cool." Kris nodded and started to match. "You're pretty funny as well."

"What's that?" He took his eyes off of the TV and looked at Susie. He genuinely looked exhausted. 

"I said, I think you're funny as well."

"Oh, thanks. I appreciate it."

"Yeah." Susie twiddled the sticks of the controller while the match was loading. She opened her mouth and hesitated to speak. "Hey, I'm kind of tired. What time is it?"

"Uh, it's around 7."

"Oh, alright. Want to get to bed soon?"

"Sure. To be honest, I don't feel like playing right now anyways. I'm so tired."

"Then why'd you stay up?"

"Cause you're fun to play with."

"Oh. Thanks, Kris. Let's just head to bed. Actually, do you want to eat something?"

"Not really, I don't feel hungry." Kris pointed towards the kitchen. There's a small bag of chips in the pantry if you want it. I'm gonna head to bed."

"I'll be up there in a couple minutes, alright?"


Susie watched Kris slowly walk up every stair. She grabbed the chips and sat down on the couch. As she ate, she watched the game run on the TV. Susie watched the logo of the game as it flashed to the beat of the menu music. She eventually decided not to finish the chips because she felt a little bad for eating Kris's food. She was also trying to be healthy, so eating it would just make her feel terrible. She put the bag down on the counter and walked upstairs. 

Susie turned the knob carefully to make sure she didn't accidentally wake him, only to find him staring at her. "Hey," she whispered.


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