I know Lisa has four cats and definitely a cat person, but here in this story she's not...ehhe!!
The first thing Lisa said when she saw what her eldest son was holding was "No, definitely not".
Both parents eyed two of their children, Jiseung was holding a stray white cat with orange patches around it's body. It was Lia to speak first "But daddy! look at her. She's cold and hungry" she thought she might persuade her father since Lia knew that her father likes cats and dogs, specifically Jungkook is much more of a cat person. But he stays silent on the issue and let Lisa do all the talking.
Lisa gave lectures to her children about responsibilities of being pet owners "Having a pet is a big responsibility, you got to feed it, bathe it, clean it's poop..." Lisa shivers at the thought of cleaning after a pet's poop "I must warn you that it's not pleasant"
Not being discouraged by their mother's warning, the two pressed on wanting the cat "we'll take care of it" both siblings said.
"No" she turns to Jungkook for his opinion "hun, say something".
"Please Dad?" his two young children stare at him with large sad puppy dog eyes, the cat included and it took a few seconds for doing just that to crumble their father's 'indifferent' look. That was it, Jungkook has succumbed to their cuteness. "It's fine"
So they adopted a new member to the family and named her Biscuits.
At first the cat was a pain in ass and nearly wore off Jungkook's patience. She would...
1. Give it's owners a dead insects or mouse as a gift occasionally. Lisa was creeped out.
2. Annoyed Jungkook while working on his laptop. Biscuits would sleep on his lap, sometimes on his head and most annoyingly on the keyboard of his laptop. There was one time while Jungkook was taking a bathroom break and Biscuits playfully pounds her soft paws on the keyboard because every time her paw hits a button, stuff would appear on the white box thing. Jungkook came back later with an annoyed look on his face, he had to start his report from the start since Biscuits hit the delete button.
3. Give creepy looks whenever Jungkook and Lisa were intimate in their bedroom. The cat was ruining the mood.
"Kook, I don't like how the cat is staring at us" she said. Jungkook kept kissing her neck and touching her favorite spot hoping that would distract her rather than be distracted by the cat. He couldn't care less "Just ignore it".
"But she makes me feel uncomfortable" his partner whined
Not wanting his night to be ruined by the cat. Jungkook opened the window and Biscuits led herself outside "Go out and play with your friends" He said and Biscuits meowed a reply.
4. Cough hair balls. Just hearing and watching her coughing hair balls annoyed the couple to no end.
5. Leave the litter box full of horribly large, smelly... "seriously, how can a cat that small poop that much?" Lisa complained. She looked at Jungkook for answers but all he could do was lift both his shoulders up, not sure how to answer.
6. Shred everything. Lisa was ready for this, so she sprayed all the furniture's with deterrent spray to prevent any messy shredding and it works. But there was another problem, Biscuits recently tore all the toilet paper in the bathroom and Jungkook was unfortunate enough to be in there. As a revenge, Jungkook had Biscuits declawed.