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I popped my eyes open then sat up, pursing my lips. Chim.. I can't get him off my head.. I slowly turned my head to my handphone that is placed on the night stand. I bit my lips slightly then glanced at the clock. 10:17 p.m. I sighed heavily then reached for the handphone before dialling his number.

I shifted my head from the book in my hands to the handphone next to me. My plump lips immediately carved a smile as I saw the caller ID.

Baby Girl 💜

I licked my lips then accepted the call after closing the book, making sure to fold the corner of the page. " Hello, my baby girl. " I greeted as soft as possible, blinking my eyes slowly as I wait for her response.

" Chim-ah.. "

I frowned. " Baby ? Are you okay ? " I asked, straightening up my posture. Her tone.. As if she.. Just finished crying.. " Take me out, Chim.. I have something to.. Tell you.. " " Okay. I'll pick you up. Wait for me, alright ? " I said then hung up the call before getting up from the bed.

I stepped out of the bedroom then walked downstairs, pulling up the hoodie to cover my head. Since it's gonna be cold outside, I changed my shorts to a pair of white sweatpants. I was about to push the door open when suddenly..

" Where are you going ? "

I sighed then glanced at him over my shoulder. " Out. " " I need a better and polite answer- " I cut in the middle of his sentence by twisting the door knob then stepped out of the house. " Y/N ! " I immediately ran towards the familiar black Range Rover and hopped onto it as the door's opened.

" Baby ? "

Jimin spoke as she crossed her arms, leaning against the seat. She glanced at the middle-aged man that is still looking at their direction despite the black tinted window, his hands on his hips. She rolled her eyes then looked away, poking her inner cheek.

The black frownes slightly as he saw her attitude. She's not like this. She's never like this. " Hey.. Baby girl.. " He softly whispered, tilting his head closer to her as his hand gently caressing her thigh. " Have you ask papa ? " He asked, pursing his lips. She connected her eyes with his' first before shaking her head.

" No ? "

" No.. "

" It's okay. Stay here. Let me tell him, okay ? "

He knows something is wrong. And he won't ask now cause he knows she will tell him eventually once she's ready. So for now, he's gonna do something to lessen her burden. Which is, settle things with her papa cause he smells something fishy is happening between them.

He opened the car's door then stepped out of the vehicle before walking towards the man that is still having his eyes fixed on the car. " Pa. " " Oh, Jimin. " The black bowed his head in respect then shook his hand with the man.

" Pa. Y/N wants me to take her out. Does she has your permission ? " He asked, placing his hands on the back. The man sighed heavily. " She has now. It's okay. " " Alright, pa. I will take care of her. Excuse me, pa. " He said then bowed his head again before marching towards the car and hopped onto it.

" Drive. "

Few Minutes Later..

" I'll call you once we're done. " Jimin said, nodding his head the older man in front of him before receiving an obedient nod from him. He then get into the Range Rover and drove away, leaving the couple alone in the park.

Jimin turned towards the girl of his life then stepped closer to her. " What's bother you, hmm ? Are you okay, baby ? " He whispered, burying his face on her neck as his hands wrapped around her waist.

She sighed softly then leaned against his shoulder. " Let's lay down. " " Huh ? " " Lay down. " She chuckled, pulling him with her to lay down on the grass. He scrunched his nose then pecked her temple before laying down next to her.

He grabbed her head and signalled her to lay it on his chest. She gladly do so before fixing her eyes on the sky. Sky full of stars shining brightly and happily. It suppose to make her smile and feel calmer. But it looks like.. It only makes her worse.

The black immediately lifted up his head and moved his eyes away from the sky to the girl laying on his chest as he heard her.. Sniffling. " Baby girl ? " He sat up as she do so. She ran her fingers through her hair before turning her head to face him.

" Yah, why are you crying ?? "

He spoke in panick before pulling her head closer, burying it on his neck. She started sobbing harder, clenching his shirt. He grabbed her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible. As if he don't wanna let go..

Although he has to..Without him knowing..

" Chim-ah.. "

She mumbled, pulling away from his neck. He cupped her cheeks, wiping off the tears on her cheeks. " What's wrong, hmm ? You know you can tell me anything.. " He softly spoke, pecking her nose then her forehead. She licked her lips then connected her eyes with his' before spilling the words she thought she would never say.. 

" I will be moving.. "

He blinked his eyes, his hands slowly fell down from her cheeks to his thighs. What..? " You.. Y-You will be what..? " He questioned, tilting his head. He.. He can't be hearing that right.. Right ?.. She pursed her lips as tears continued streaming down her face before wrapping her arms around his neck, sitting on his laps.

His shock self hesitantly brought his hands to her back, caressing it while pulling her closer. " So you.. You're leaving me..? " " Chim.. " She sobbed harder, hugging him tighter. He bit his plump lips, tears threatening to fall out of his eyes.

" Why.. "

" Let's just.. Enjoy this moment while it lasts, Chim.. I don't wanna talk about it for now.. "

He closed his eyes, a tear of pain escaped out of it. This can't be happening.. He can't imagine his life without her. He can't imagine his world without her by his side.

He just.. Can't..

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