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Fresh Orange

Few Hours Later..

" Wait a sec. " I smiled, waiting for her to place her handphone on only God knows where. " Okay ? " " Okay~ " She said softly with a smile as she is now also leaning her back against the headboard, just like me. I chuckled then tilted my head, causing her to do the same while ouffing her cheeks

Gosh, when are you gonna stop being so cute ?

" Baby girl, I have something to show you. " I said after three minutes of being silent because I'm busy admiring her face. " Really ? What is it ? " She asked excitedly, running her fingers through her hair. I smiled then turned my head slightly to the side, showing her my pierced ear.

" I got my ears pierced. "

" Wow, really ?? When ?? "

She asked with her big and round eyes and her lips are parted slightly. " Today. Taehyung and Jungkook brought me to the.. Store. " I said, feeling a little nervous while waiting for her reaction. What if she don't like it ? What if she won't give me the same good reaction like she did yesterday after I told her my hair is purple ? What if she-

" Oh my God, I'm excited !~ "

She suddenly said, clapping her hands with a wide grin carved on her lips. I blinked my eyes, forming an 'o' shape with my mouth. " You.. You're excited..? " " Yes ! I'm excited to see how you look like with earrings ! You must look super cool. " Her words made me chuckled then frowned slightly.

" You're not.. Mad ? " She pouted then shook her head, tugging a strand of hair behind her ear. " Mad ? Why would I be ? It's your choice, right ? So I will support it no matter what. " She said then winked at me, along with a flying kiss.

I smiled sweetly at her, looking at her through the screen while hoping I could teleport myself to Malaysia and hug her as tight as I could. For the first time, I regret for not having superpowers. " Thank you, baby girl.. " " No need to thank me, Chim. You know you're everything to me. "

" You're also everything to me. Even more than that. "


" Morning, dude. " The purple looked up from his handphone to the blonde and red before smiling. Both of them sat down across him, placing their backpacks on the table, just like Jimin's. " I told Y/N about.. " Jimin started, pointing towards his ears. " Then ? Is she mad ? " Taehyung asked, feeling concern all of a sudden.

Jimin being scolded by his girlfriend because of him and Jungkook ?

Sounds like the fault of the year.

He suddenly smiled then clapped his hands but as quiet as possible so that he won't gain much attentions. " She likes it ! She even said that she's excited to see how I'll look like. " He explained, the smile is still not fading away from his plump lips. Taehyung smiled then glanced at Jungkook that also smiled before letting out a sigh of relief.

" That's good to hear. I told you she won't be mad. "

The blonde said then winked at him, causing him to chuckled. " Yeah.. She's too kind with me.. " He said, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. On the other hand, Jungkook was whispering something in Taehyung's ear, causing him to carved a smirk after hearing the bunny's idea.

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