Chapter one

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The Apex headquarters/ The Mall Car
Fourteen year old Grace's Perspective:
It was another on the Train, Simon is in this side of the mall car, painting on his toy soldiers.
Why he does that I have no clue, he enjoys that it's been six months since we took this mall car filled with everything clothes, shoes, and even food court that Simon's been trying to get working again.
I have my side of the mall, from what was the fitting room is now my own little hideaway, everything a girl could want shoes and clothes on the shelf is items. I've got from other train cars Simon and I have taken to ourselves more comfortable in this crazy train.

Most of the nulls aren't that smart to us by themselves. Even if they could it's not like they can attack us for too long. Each time we venture outside, doing anything fun the on numbers on my hand go up. Right now it's glowing 220 cool huh?

Simon's getting this number up recently we raided a car that only talking shiny bugs like people. He one of these glowing flowers and destroyed it in front of young null crying for its mother to get it back.

But that was yesterday, today is a new day to raid another train car. We call ourselves the Apex nothing special just a name I got from a book.

Time to go check on Simon

Simon's perspective
This it even better then that last soldier painting job. Using a blue hue paint brush, Grace knows how much I love theses toys she thinks I'm crazy but this is my relaxing space.
When you're not training to fight Nulls, the thing is with every car being so different then the last on this train you have to be prepared for any number of outcomes that could happen at all times.

Grace thinks I over think our plans but she doesn't know how dangerous nulls can be.while Grace would rather wing it, facing a null is unpredictable not knowing what they can do to you.

When I first got on the train a scared ten year old boy without knowing any better I had a null companion for the first few months it was fine.
But then that Null got us into some trouble we were chased by one of those Ghoms running for my life. The only person I trusted at that point abandoned me left to be a meal to that thing.
Grace showed up and helped me she became My best friend I trust her my life, we look out for each other. We are the Apex.

Knock knock Simon
It's Grace who else would it be.

Yeah I'm coming

Simon's perspective ends

Hey Simon" says jokingly Grace she has a crazy smile on her face very mischievous like when you're up to something.

Hey Grace what's up" Simon says sarcastically
To hear what she has to.

She walks in to his workshop, looking around the bookshelves filled with military information and Dictionaries.

You're such a bookworm Simon" Grace says jokingly opening one of the dictionaries
The words aren't English but French.

Do you even understand this stuff? Grace says sitting on Simon's desk moving his toys to the side. He leans over Grace.

I want to know about other languages what else could is there to do than train raiding and plus interesting. Says Simon proudly almost knocking over his desk light.

You are suck dork. But a great dork, socks and sandals". Says Grace messing with Simon's hair.

I thought we could go and train gotta keep in shape". Grace says stretching her arms.
We go to the part of mall that we use for training.

You take the punching bag, I'll take the dummy". says Simon who looks ready to beat up dummy.

Or you could try punch me dummy says Grace grabbing Simon's hand she could tell he was brushing whatever he touch her hand.

We both walk to the training mat, bare feet Simon looks nervous. Grace shows her confidence by bowing before training.

Grace doges Simon's hits, she gracefully knocks him off to floor.

Man you need to work on you're punching"  teasing  says  stopping to Grace fixing her hair tie.

Simon tried but can't get close enough to get a good hit. I doesn't want to hurt her.

You're lucky you had ballet lessons, hair tie. Simon says teasing Grace.

Don't get distracted Ponytail. Says Grace laughs as she throws him to the floor. They are on top of each other laughing.

Afterward changing less sweaty clothes
We make lunch eating sandwiches.

I feel so pumped after training." says Grace half eating her sandwich.

Simon's eating his silently not listening to what Grace's is saying.

Training is done and lunch is over
Grace and Simon are to deciding what to do next.

We should go to raid." Says Simon cleaning his combat boots, Grace whistling loudly.

Yeah I'm game let's get ready. Says Grace excitedly. She goes her room to get her backpack that Simon was working on.

He gets his taking anything that could be useful. Simon's number could up to reach Grace's number has.

You could do this  it's you and Grace Simon thought to himself.

You ready, ponytail. Grace says behind him with a smile on her face.

Always" says Simon opening the car door.

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