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I started walking towards the way to the washroom and I realized I didn't know where it was exactly.

Way to go Stupid Charlotte!! I mentally facepalmed.

I turned back to ask Liam but to my so good luck, he had already vanished somewhere. I started walking again and I heard a voice calling my name. I looked to my right and left thinking who knows me here because that was not Liam's voice for sure and then I found Mike standing in front of me.

"Hey, Charlotte! Everything alright?", asked Mike with a concerned voice.

He was just like those handsome, cool guys which appeared in those high school movies with the good everything.

"Yeah, I was just going to the washroom but unfortunately I don't know where it is", I said smiling sheepishly.

"No problem!", he said smiling and continued, "Well it's a simple way, you just need to go straight to that door and then you'll enter in a narrow passage where you'll find two to three doors in which it'll be written which door is of which room."

"Okay, thanks", I said and started walking towards the door.

When I opened it, I entered a narrow passage as told by Mike earlier and the first door had a board on it which stated that it was the medical counter. And right Infront of it was some storage room. And I walked further again there were doors facing each other.

One stated public washroom and the other was for boxers and so-called staff.

I stood in the middle of both the washrooms trying to decide which way to go, there were two choices in front of me

1. I enter in the washroom which was especially for the boxers or

2. I enter that creepy public washroom which by the way was too much stinky even from afar. I don't think I can even enter that damn stinky washroom, which was way too disgusting, so I chose to enter in the first one.

I don't think there might be boxers in here because, by the time I found the washroom, I can't even see one person passing by.

I peeked inside and saw there was no one in there but the shower was running, so I guess the boxer might be having a shower.

Okay, no problem I can easily clean up and get out of here before he comes out.

I rushed inside the washroom, washed my face, and opened the tap to rinse my sweater which was luckily of maroon color so when the stain fades no one can even notice it. I felt bad and angry because of that boxer because this was one my favourite sweater which he just ruined.

I was just going to close the tap when I heard the sound of the door creaking open and my heartbeat stopped for a second.

What should I do know? Where should I go? Will I end up in jail because of violating the rules and regulations of an illegal place? I'm in big trouble.

Something rushed inside me, I just went to the corner of that washroom, and luckily the opened door covered me in that little space. I peeked from there and I saw the back of that boxer. He was shirtless and a towel was wrapped beneath his torso revealing his perfect body, perfect lean muscular back to being more specific. No doubts that he must would have the perfect abs and all those kinds of stuff you can see in an athletic or a boxer's body, wait he has the same back... I swear if I wouldn't have stuck here I would have punched him hard...yeah but oh sweet lord his back maaaaan , I wish I could just see his face once.

Drops of water were dripping from his wet disheveled hairs making him look hotter. I was trying really very hard to see his face when my gaze stopped on a very dangerous creature in the whole frickin' universe.


I really controlled my screaming and I started to escape out silently when that boxer went inside again.

"Who the hell are you?", I heard him asking in a very frustrated tone from the back.

And that was my cue to run.

I slammed the door shut with a loud noise.

"Stop running!" was the last thing I heard as I closed the door of that narrow passage while running.
I saw Liam talking and the phone and pulled his hands and dragged him with me.

"What happened? Why are we running?", he said between the running and the panting.

As soon as we reached the car I told him to drive fast.

"Did you murdered someone inside? or did you stole some drugs from there?", he asked laughing like always.

"Shut up asshole".

"Wait! Wait! Did you hook up or something? It's really gross making out in a washroom especially in a shady place like this. And who was the guy? And how was the exper-", he said smirking widely while I cut him off.

"No to all of the above, you prick. I'll tell you everything. First, feed me cuz I'm starving like a beast and I need to have my favorite burger asap", I told him.

"Sure, Ma'am! Your chauffeur will take you to wherever you desire", he did a fake now.

"Yeah, sure!" I rolled my eyes. And he laughed.

"Holy shit! We forgot to take the money from Mike ", I said suddenly feeling panicked.

"No we didn't, I mean I actually didn't forget it. When you took your time with the stranger, then I thought that I should save some time and collect the money .", he told me.


"Oh come on I know I am a really good best friend and I am very intelligent and I do everything right", he started his sarcastic self-appreciation again and smirked as usual.

I just rolled my eyes and we reached 'my most favorite place' aka THE JUNK.

It was one of the oldest restaurants. Well, it was famous for its cakes and pastries and coffee and everything that you can get here. Whenever I felt bad or sad, this place and its food items help me out of my misery.

Heya! Dear's the fourth chapter. Are you liking it all or not? Please vote, comment, and read of course.

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