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a/n- the introduction page is coming in a few days, i just really wanted to get this story started. tell me what you guys want with this story like who you want to end up with, or maybe i can make a few routes, i can also do smut? think of this as a book of oneshots somehow? it depends, different chapters might be connected and some might not, could also be considered filler and thats where smut or other things could fit in, i dont really know where i want to go with this story but i guess you should get ready to get into an emotional rollercoaster

(ps- also, tell me if you guys dont feel comfortable with things in this story, feel free to dm/pm me anytime, it doesnt even have to do with the story, we can just talk)
(lowercase intended)
(im thinking of making the book gender neutral? or making female and male versions of the smut chapters? lmk)


WITH LITTLE TO NO knowledge of this new place, you squeeze the handles of the bag that sat on you bag and let out a long sigh, shaking your head and squeezing your eyes shut.

moving around was very rare for you, this was the second time you ever moved schools, it wasn't because of behaviour though, it was mostly because of your family situation being 'complicated'.

you finally take in a breath and start marching towards the gates to make your way into the new beginning.

as soon as you enter, you see a significantly taller guy, cutting your way, stopping and looking around, you stare at his back as he is walking away.

"weird" you shrug and as you were about to start walking again, a short silhouette sprints right before your eyes, you barely catched a glimpse of this person, but he sure was long gone, probably going after that guy from earlier. this person looked very angry though, not that it was any of your business, your business was that you were currently sitting on the floor from falling because of the surprise, anyone that would've seen you would probably think you're contemplating life, staring off into space.

"are you okay?" someone asks from behind you.

you flinched because the voice was so sudden and the halls were empty when you entered, well apart from those other guys.

turning around, you look up at the grey haired boy that had his hand reaching down to help you up.

"thank you" you smile and take his hand, pulling yourself up and dusting off your jeans.

he looks at you, confusion written all over face, he lifts his hand up and scratches the side of his head "are you new here? i've never seen you before."

you nod "yes! i just wanted to find the principals office, kinda fell on my way though"

"oh, let me show you!" he says, not even giving time to respond, he takes your hand and drags you away.

'well he is energetic' you thought, letting yourself be dragged by him.

for a principal's office, it was quite far away into the school, or this guy just took the long way.

finally you arrive in front of the door, the guy stops and takes a last look at you and says "so, this is it, also, what's your name?"

"oh, uh my name's y/n" you say.

"atsushi" he replies, giving a wave and leaving you there in front of the door.

'don't these people have class?' you thought as you put your hand on the door handle.

as soon as you open it you see the principal sitting at his desk, and probably another student in front of him on a chair.

"oh, uh, i should've knocked" you uncomfortably say and close the door slowly, fortunately they didn't say anything back, so you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when the door closed.

'well this day is turning out just great' you rolled your eyes.

all you could do was now wait for the principal to be free but god knows how long that'll take and you still have to make it to lessons, all you needed was to be late on your first day as well and it'll be all complete.

as you were staring at the ceiling, slumped in the chair with your legs spread out and your hands intertwined in your lap, chattering and shouting could be heard getting closer and closer to you.

"OI, OIIIII GIVE MY HAT BACK" the short man was screeching after the guy covered in bandages.

the guy was just ignoring him, holding the hat high in the air and walking forwards without even trying to keep the short guy away.

as they got closer and closer to you, the short guy gave up trying and was now speed walking towards where you sat, you didn't know what you were expecting but it looked like he was ready to fight.

he slumped down into the chair next to you, crossing his arms and frowning.

"are you o-" you started but were immediately interrupted.

"no, i am not fine" he gives a fast reply, not even letting you finish.

you scratched the side of your head, it was a really awkward situation, which seemed to drag on, but now that you think about it, where was the other guy?

with a turn of your head, you flinch to the sudden person you see sitting next to you, which was very much staring.

"hi?" you say, waving you hand in front of him.

"hello! i would introduce myself but i don't care, unless you wanna do a double suicide together? either way you can always find me by the nurses office, anyways! tell that short guy next to you that he has to apologise if he wants his hat back" he says, in one breath.

'well, that is a lot to unpack' you thought, looking at him like he was speaking another language.

you think about it for a second, and turn around to the other guy next to you, opening your mouth to speak, but only air came out as you were cut off before even starting.

"no i will not apologise, he can take that hat and shove it up his a-"

👁✨dID YOu KnOw tOru OiKAWA's fAvOURite FooD Is mILk BrEAD?"👍

"i don't think we should go that far," you try to reason with him. "uh, it's a very nice hat" you mentally slap yourself, really? nice hat? nice move shithead.

"why don't you take it then?" the other guy says "as chuuya doesn't want it and i don't have anything to do with it, take this as a welcome gift to our new school" he said smiling.

hold up. one, so this short guys's name is chuuya, two, how the fuck does he know i'm new?

"uh, i'd take it but i don't really know you and you know stranger dang-"

"my name is dazai, his name is chuuya, yes, pleased to met you bestfriend! right chuuya?" he said, placing the hat on your head, looking at you as if he just discovered a world class secret.

chuuya just muttered something in return, still not letting go of his frown.

(a/n-seesh pretty boring, comment ideas ig💀🖐)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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