her pet's cooperation, chapter one.

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please note this story won't be completely in sync with seraph of the end.

note; not a mika x krul fanfic. also not a ferid x krul fanfic.

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krul sits on her throne, waiting for her lovely mikaela, her pet. she used to sigh at her pets refusal to drink blood from humans, but she understands. at least, she used to understand. after all, she was the same way. the pink-haired vampire shook her head before her mind could conjure memories from her past. memories aren't needed. they're useless. afterall, the key to feeling anything besides the emptiness that comes with being a blood-sucking vampire is emotions.

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krul hopped off her throne, tired of not feeling the ground beneath her boots. she hums quietly to herself, watching arukanu float around her head as she makes her way outside her palace. as she looks around, she can't help but feel trapped.

"no clouds, no light, again with this vampire city..." she thinks to herself, staring at everything with disgust.

what time even was it? she wasn't aware. she couldn't even bring herself to care.

'mikaela returns from his mission in roughly an hour,' the vampire queen theorized.

so, krul decided to greet him herself. after all, as his master, she must make sure his loyalty isn't questioned. definitely not became she cares about him. her precious dog has been feeding on her blood for years, so he must be strong. strong enough for her plans to work. that's the only reason she cares.

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we're now moving on to mika, not his point of view, but the scene is changing to mika instead.

mika boards the plane, not interested in the human offering themselves to him. he can survive on queen krul's blood anyways. he doesn't care if she says he won't last long, he refuses to drink human blood. he feels his vision start to blur. he needs her blood. fast. he sits down and refuses to meet anyone's eyes.

༉‧ ♡*.✧

krul was starting to get impatient. she needs to talk to mikaela now. she hears the clicking of boots and immediately knows who it is. the one and only ferid bathory.

"ah yes, the only vampire for me, you look as ravishing as always, krullie~" the annoying little stain, ferid, calls out. "i couldn't find you in your throne, i was afraid someone kidnapped you~"

krul turns 180 degrees before looking him in the eye. this eyesore looked as terrible as ever.

"you aren't dead yet? a shame, bathory boy. I was sure one of those humans would have killed you already." krul smiled fakely, "go away, eyesore."

"well, i'm hurt krullie~" ferid places a hand over his heart, having the nerve to look offended.

krul sighed, "as you know, bathory, vampire's don't feel emotions. unless you've suddenly lost more brain cells, you should know that." krul turned away from him.

before ferid could reply, the plane mika was on finally arrived. krul was as ecstatic as an emotionless vampire could get. she immediately removed ferid from the premises, walking up to greet her precious pet. she smiled, not one filled with malice, but one filled with care. yes, she cared for her pet. sue her. 

༉‧ ♡*.✧

as soon as mika stepped off, he knew something was going to be odd. based on the way the vampires straightened up, a few even looking away. he was confused. though his confusion would soon be answered when a blurry mess of pink hair made her way towards him. it was krul. oh no. would he feed on her in front of everyone? certainly that wasn't the case.

"mika, my lovely little pet, how was your mission?" krul raced up to him, "tell me everything."

mika nodded, kneeling down as he reported every single detail. he may have hated vampires. but he didn't hate krul. she was the only vampire who took care of him and wasn't a creep or simply rude. he respected krul, he really did.

krul hums, nodding her head at mika's report. she must admit, she was rather impressed with mikaela. she supposed he was hungry, and since she didn't care what the other vampires had to think, she stares down at mika's kneeling form.

"mika, are you thirsty?" she asked,  "surely all your hard work has tired you."

mika nearly falls over in surprise, "krul.. we're infront of others. you haven't dismissed them.." he whispers, looking at the other vampires who looked uncomfortable or confused.

some vampires weren't aware of krul's pet, though it would be hard not to know. the few who didn't were just confused.

krul smirked, "why is that a problem, pet? let them watch. i could care less." she cuts open her wrist with her long nail, humming at the salivating vampires as she put her wrist to mika's mouth. "go ahead."

mika complied, drinking krul's blood. her blood was amazing, the sweet yet rich flavor always seemed to calm his nerves. he wonders if yuu-chan would be disappointed. he stops drinking, wiping his mouth.

"sorry if i drank to much, krul," mika apologized, looking away embarassed as the other vampires kept staring at him.

krul nods with satisfaction, walking away. "i expect you in the throne room in less than half an hour, mika."

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some of the vampires started walking away, only a few remaining.

"so it really is true~ you really are getting the beautiful queen krul tepes' blood!" lacus mused, walking up to mika, "How did you manage to become her favorite?"

mika looked away, refusing to answer lacus. he walks away, getting ready to walk towards the palace to meet krul. as mika has learned in the past, krul has something important to say, judging by the seriousness he heard in her voice.


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