Chapter 1

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|Third person POV|


What do you think when you hear that name?

Well whatever you think it's wrong!

Or if you know what it truly is then I feel sorry for you, as it really isn't a pleasant place...

Unless you make it your home.

But just remember... Its all fun and games, in Neverland.

|Pans POV|

My time is running out, I have to find Henry.

I need the heart of the truest believer!

I flew around Neverland thinking about all the things I've done in my life, and the fact my life that will soon end if I don't find Henry!

Suddenly I heard commotion back at camp.

What's happened now?

Those lost boys!

I flew quickly back but lurked in the forest so I could hear what was happening.

"We have to tell Pan, he needs to know!" said Felix my head lost boy, and most loyal companion.

"And what risk the life of an innocent person, that's not what you want to do! I know it!" Said Ash, some other lost boy.

"I do what Pan wants and you know that Pan would want to know!" Felix replied.

What is this thing I should know about?

Who is this person?

"We live here because we want to, we're the lost boys. Don't you think a newcomer will of course want to stay?" Felix continued.

"No I don't felix, not when the newcomer is..." Ash spoke, but I cut him off as I emerged from the trees.

They fell silent.

"Newcomer is..." but this time I didn't finish, for there lying on the floor surrounded by lost boys, was a


There has never been a girl in Neverland before. She shouldn't be here, she can't be!

"Pan whats going on?" Spoke Elm, one of the smallest lost boys. "Why is there a girl here?"

"Shut up Elm!" Snapped Felix, giving the young boy a death stare.

"Now, now felix. He asked a very sensible question." I said smirking. A smirk always hides my emotions, not that I really show many, but right now, in my head, the questions and emotions were spriling out of controll.

"The truth is boys, I don't know. But the moment she wakes up I promise I'll find out." I said rotating round so I could speak to them all. "But for now I'll move her to my Tree house. Our first girl should sleep in peace and comfort. But don't fear, Pan never fails!"

They all cheered and they began to continue with the evening routine.

"Pan?" Said felix grabbing my arm.

"Yes?" I replied. My eyes never leaving the girl.

"Shall I move the girl to your tree?" He asked, Gesturing towards the girl who was still lying on the floor.

"No, No, Its fine. I'll get her now." I said as I began to walk towards her.

I reached the place she was lying and bent down next to her. Her fiery red hair was covering her face, and she was wearing simple but pretty clothes, that complemented her stunning figure. I gently brushed her hair away from her face and I had to contain in a gasp!

She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I mean I thought Wendy was pretty and the mermaids aren't that bad but her, she was just perfect!

What was I thinking? Peter Pan doesnt have feelings, I couldn't even think about her that way.

Even if I did, it could never happen.

I lifted her up gently and carried her bridal style towards my treehouse. All the other lost boys slept in the tents and hammocks around the camp, but I slept in my treehouse as I was the origonal lost boy and their leader.

I flew up to the door and walked in. I took her into the room across from mine and layed her down on the bed.

She seemed so peaceful, so content! I'm sure she was dreaming and I truly hoped it was a good dream.

I gently stroked her cheek. I wonder what her name is? I bet its something beautiful. Just like her!

Shut up Pan!!!! Get your act together!

I looked at her face one last time, before leaving the treehouse.

I flew back down to camp and landed in the middle of the ground in front of the boys.

"Boys!" I shouted, and the all turned to face me. "Our new guest, will wake tomorrow morning and I want you to make her feel welcome. So to put it plain... Be Nice!"

They all laughed as they nodded. My lost boys!

"Now, who wants a song?" I said pulling out my pipe, and smirking.

They urrupted into shouts and cheers as they began to dance round the fire.

I laughted as I began to play, but my mind kept wandering back to the girl.

Neverlands first lost girl.

I liked the sound of that.

A Lost girl.

I just hoped she wanted to stay in Neverland.

With me?


Hello everybody,

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

This story is something I thought of and I would have loved to see Peter pan fall in love.

I really hope you enjoy the rest of this story and if you want to comment things you want to see.

Also I'm putting it out there right now...

There will be a Sequal to this book!!!!!

Vote for a new part...

(Also the girl in the picture is the new girl in neverland)

Love you


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