chapter 4

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Melody woke up naked and only in her underwear and to a different bedroom alarmed and stunned, she kept wondering whether she had done something stupid like sleep with someone, else looking around the expensively furnished bedroom she kept looking for clues as to what happened, seeing that there wasn't her inner thighs were not bruised she relaxed a little bit, suddenly she panicked at the idea that she was in the house of ritualist, she immediately started to cry and pray to God to forgive her sin and if she get out of here alive she would stay away from alcohol, remembering why she drank she felt ashamed of herself, saying out loud that the her boss who she drank the stupid alcohol doesn't even know that she was drinking,at that time someone knocked on the door, Melody pretended to still be sleeping.

Damien waking up,he felt happy and tried to remember why he was happy, that was when my sunshine Zoe tumbled in to my room looking sleepy, knowing that she just wanted to sleep with me I carried her inside my bed and tucked in both of us with the big blanket into the bed, sighing I thought about Melody she will might make a good mother to zoe, but then looks might be deceiving, it is one lesson I was thought by Zoe's mum.

Damien, knocked on the guest room for the third time, and still no answer, from Melody, he decided to risk it and barge into the room, looking at Melody trying to pretend she wasn't awake was amusing to him, he suddenly smiled, knowing she was and embarrassed, the devilish part of him wanted to embarrass her more,and armed with that idea he climbed into the bed and whispered good morning on her ears,he saw goose bumps in her skin and smiled inwardly,so he too was attracted to him he felt accomplished.
Melody was trembling inside Wondering why her boss suddenly climbed on top of her when he greeted her, she gasped because of the sensation that she felt when he climbed and whispered, chiding herself, saying that was how her attractive tyrant made all the ladies swoon she stretched and pretend to be calm, she opened her eyes to greet her boss and was stunned to see his beautiful coffee eyes, his eyes reminder her of Tori Kelly's song coffee, sighing wishing he was hers.
Chuckling inwardly, that was when she saw the brow her boss raised seems like somebody is waiting for my answer, Melody greeted Damien
"good morning sir", so it is back to sir now abi? Damien couldn't help but tease her, seeing the look of horror on her face he couldn't help but laugh loudly at her, her facial expressions was seriously priceless,he laughed out loudly startling Melody who was lost in her thought, she thought the sound was a beautiful one, it was a sound of a beautiful music.
I came to wake you up so we can have breakfast said Damien, I suppose you will need to have your bath and change your clothes?, nodding dumbly, I quickly regained my voice and said yes trying to keep the quiver of my word, he told me that my clothes were ruined that's why I am naked, I couldn't help but hide my face in shame, like this dude is totally not ashamed,he is talking as if he is talking about the weather, seeing that I was staring at him dumbly he gave me a blue tee shirt and a short which was way too big, those are my favorites don't let anything happen to it or I won't be happy with you, with those words we were interrupted by a knock , in which the tyrant to the person to come in and behold!!!!! it was a very cute little girl who looks like the tyrant, so that's the devil's daughter.zoey greeted me shyly, I was sure she didn't interact with a lot of people and that made me remember my childhood I was totally inside, I resolved to be nice to this sweet girl because in a way we both are the same. OMG is that Dora the explorer!!!! she is totally my idol Melody said to Zoey trying to make her feel comfortable, she nodded and said yes, climbing the bed she started to regaled me with stories of Dora the explorer, laughing my boss took her and told her that she would be here for the whole day and she could to tell me the remaining stories another time when she complained that she wasn't through with telling me the story.

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