Ruca Ruca Ruca!

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Luke's plane was swerving off course. He was flying quite high and he had no control on the plane whatsoever. He saw a forest in front of him and his plane made straight for it. He crashed and lay there unconscious for sometime. 

Slowly, once he gained consciousness, he started looking around searching for food . He was starving. This was a wild jungle with no one around. The next few weeks Luke survived plainly on fruits and berries and continued his search. Being an explorer of ancient civilisations, he had traveled here in search of the oldest known civilisation; the Rucan civilisation.

According to the research it was about 10 miles away from this forest but here he was, miles away. Long after his crash, he came across a well. It was made of red bricks with moss growing on it. It was hidden by some bushes but he crossed it searching for more berries. 

He was surprised. Was this it?  Was this the Rucan civilisation? He jumped down into the well with a great splash. He waded across the water only to come to a great slope of water. Carried by the current he fell down the long slope. "So this is how they got their water supply" Luke thought. 

Even after being all wet and mucky he still had the enthusiasm to explore around. He saw great trees growing, with big dome houses hanging from its branches. The houses were colourful with beautiful designs. "So creative" he said, his voice echoing. 

They had created a mini world in there with waterfall, trees, homes, everything! He tried climbing the sleek trunk of a tree but slipped. He tried quite a few times until he fell with a thud and broke the floor. 

Except that it wasn't the floor he broke but a trap door that opened beneath him. It led to a place held by big pillars with intricate carvings. They were like Warli art designs with curls but also with precise drawing like geometrical figures. 

Just then he spotted a red ball of fire that was circling the room. It reminded him of the sun; providing him with heat and light. But then again, why not? These were ingenious people who created a little world of their own here. He sat on the floor and started examining the inscriptions on the pillars. 

He started drawing the inscriptions in his tiny notepad. Luke couldn't understand what it said but let me tell you. King Aiden had heard about this clever civilisation who had created a small world and he was impressed. 

He wanted to take over this civilisation and run it. He thought he could take it over the classic run-it-down-with-soldiers. So he took his army to this underground place and caught all Rucans by surprise. 

Most of them were victims to these advanced arms and ammunitions but there were a few that went through the trap door Luke had fallen through. They escaped luckily but their lives were never the same. 

They were always bitter and were filled with hatred. They couldn't survive too long either and one by one every Rucan died; every Rucan except me. I was the youngest of those who had hidden from Aiden's men. 

Being all alone here trying to survive was hard. Then I saw Luke come in through the door. I hid behind one of the pillars. He was quite excited by everything. But so was Aiden. This boy was a threat to our civilisation. 

So i did what felt was right. I creeped up behind him and killed him. Then i took the book and read about how he wanted to know about the Rucan civilisation and study it. He respected our civilisation. He didn't want to destroy it like Aiden. And just like that i killed that curious mind in a flash. 

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