The call

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H: hey  how are they doing
Al: when are erin and jay coming back they are not sleeping for more the 5 hour tops I put them down at 9:30 and they got back up at 2:00am why my kid are gown I have not done this in years
H: haha well then they will be back today ring ring
H: hey jay what up
J; um hank you need to get down to med we were leaving the airport and Erin collapsed  we are in the car she wake but in a lot of pain we are stuck in traffic their was an accident up a head I have the light on but with all the fire trucks and everything it hard for people to move out of the way. Hank Im worry something wrong she can  barely talk or keep her self up I'm pulled of at the side of  willam and 25th.  she 6 months i don't know what to do
H: halstead breath I'm on my way with Kim that is 3 blocks from  the district we will walk to you guy I'll call will we will get him two and meet you guy their
J: ok thx  

(10 minutes latter)
J: I'm her hank Kim will her. They are coming Erin  it ok
E: Jay it to early ahhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhh oh god this hurt
H: hey let get her in the back come on kid
E: dad this hurt it two soon
K: hey erin I'm her lay back on me will her two
W: hey erin I'm just going to check you and them give you something that should help with the pain ok. Erin I know your in pain but I need to know that you understand what I just said be for I give you the meds just nod to me...... ok
W: hey try talking her down her hart is beating pretty fast  also I can't be for sure until we get to med but if I'm right and her blood pressure is sky rocketing then her and baby are in danger
K: ok your doing Great  erin just hold on for us I know it hurt but stay with me  breath
E: make it stop it to soon for me to have this baby
W: Erin your in premature labor your not dialed at all yet I'm going to give you some more med that should stop your labor  ok come on let go I'll drive
H: I'll be right behind you
K: hey jay me and you can switch I'll go with hank
J: ok

W: hey erin how are you felling
E: still in pain I throught the med would make it s-ahhhhh owwwwwwww stop
W: ok well your blood pressure has gone down  your hart is still beating at a pretty fast rate  so I'm going to give you a minor dose of anesthesia it should help you relax you it should also help you stop contracting. Is that ok
E: Jay
J: it going to be ok
E: ya
W: ok
H: hey how is she
J: sleeping her pain seem to be gone she been sleeping for an hour now so
H: ok talk to me what happens 
J: we were on our way home she passed out in the hotal in France she woke up 2 minutes latter I gave her some water we sat for  about an hour and she was fine  we got to the airport I asked if she was ok and she said she was dizzy so we sat at the gate And I went to go get food. When  I came back she was holding her stomach like she was in pain but she was fine until we got a few minutes a way from home and hit this accident  and she stared screaming in pain I pulled over because I could not get anywhere and she was screaming in pain I had to do something else then rub her back and hold her hand and tell her that it going to be ok so I called you
H: I'm glad you did but the first time she passed out you should not have got on the fight when she said she felt dizzy and was in a little bit of pain   You should of not got on that fight or you should of called me the moment you landed.
E: hey it not his fault I'm sorry I should of told you
J: told me what erin
E: the pain start last night around 3:00 in the morning I didn't want to wake you so I just tried to ignore it. it was gone when I woke up and started back up on the way home I throught it was just Braxton Hicks contractions  they just got worse jay I can't count how may time we've been her for the twin or just for us I mean. When are we going to check a break
J; bay you should of told me and I know you sick of being in hospital bed but you have to tell me stuff like this  I was scared I didn't know what was happening to you ok. the way you were screaming in pain we not the same as when you had the twin. You could Barely stand your slef up or talk for that matter. I can't lose you. You mean way to much to me for that to happen and that what ran through head about 100 time  that I was losing you and that baby. I just have never seen you the way you were in the car and when we got her.
E: I'm sorry I'm so sorry never again
J: oh baby come her

E: how  the baby
W: fine you got luck I'm worried about this pregnancy being high risk  I  talked to your OBGYN   She has agreed that the surgery you had a About a month ago caused your pregnancy to become high-risk so you need to take it easy
E: ok so what dose that mean
W: well for one it's a lot easier for you to go into premature labor as well as you have a high chance of losing the baby so you need to take it easy you should be on desk duty for the rest of your pregnancy please take it easy I want to meet him or her ok
E: ya can I get out of her
W: no you gave us all a scary and we need to monitor you 24 hour tops then we will talk about you leaving
E: Hank can you please bring the kids I want to see the please
H: hey get  some rest Ok they will be at your place when you get out of her in 24 hour I know you want to see them but I don't think it a good idea you were just in Unbearable pain less then an ago and your breathing is still not back to normal and you still in a bit of pain
E: what no I'm not I'm fine just want to see my kids
H: you know how I know you're in pain. it's because when you're in pain you hold your belly a certain way and depending on how much pain you're in it's how tightly you hold your belly when you're not in pain you just rest your hand on there when you're in pain you put your fingers around your belly and rub with your thumb and index finger to helps with some of the pain which is what you're doing now. Erin I know you kid you did the same with the twins you also don't make eye contact with people so they don't  know that your in pain
E: fine it nothing it in my side and i think it one of the twins kicking
J: I'm going to get will
E: jay please I'm ok I just to get out of her and see my son's
J: hey when are you going to start opening up you have to tell me when your in pain you can't do this alone I won't let you do it alone just let me in please tell me when your having pain or felling sick or dizzy anything stop trying to deal with it on your own ok your not a burden your my wife the mother of our kids. Ok I love you and that will never change ever so don't you ever think your a pain in the ass don't you ever thing you a problem or a burden because you not your erin Lindsay halstead your my wife and   I love and you have never ever been one of those thing to me.
E: I'll trying you know me this is how I am it hard for me and I'm so used to dealing with thing on my own that I forgot to lean on you and my team I'm sorry
J: I know and I knew that when I married you but I'm her to help you take down those walled and talk to me become this scared me bad so next time just give me a look and a nod when your in pain or something no right and you can't say because it hard or whatever just nod or give me a look and I will know what that mean and be your rock,
E: I love
W: hey were are you still in pain at
E: left side it not bad the pain like a 5-6
W: ok I'll going to do another ultrasound to make sure you didn't tear again
E: what happened if I did
W: them the baby could die this time around but I'm hoping it won't come to that at all
E: oh god this is my fault I should of said something but I was being stupid and didn't god jay I'm sorry
J: hey it ok our baby will be fine ok.

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