1. Malfoy Manor

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I went home with Draco after our first year at Hogwarts. I loved his house even though his mother didn't like me much. We had a car sent to pick us up from the train station. After the man took our bags and put them in the trunk we got in the back seat. Draco was still upset that I could've been hurt going with Harry at the end of the year.

We talked about all sorts of stuff including school, next years classes, and that his mother will be giving him quite a few presents when we arrive. His birthday was on June fifth and we didn't leave school until after that.

When we arrived at his manor his mom came out and hugged him. She pulled him inside saying she has presents in the living room and she was saying how happy she is he is back.

He got presents that were cool but did not have any deep connections to Draco. He did however get a new broom the Nimbus 2001 which he gave to me. "Happy early birthday Hunter." he looked at me and smiled.

I was so shocked but I jumped in his arms hugging him. "Thank you."

His mom looks upset but just says she will get him another one.

That summer we played board games, cards, quidditch, and slept together most nights. I loved being with him and we were together most of the summer but I decided I should go home to see my uncle. He told me to stay but I eventually convinced him I should go home for a little while so on September 30th I went back to my house with my uncle.

When I got there my uncle gave me a notes from Ron and Hermione. I asked him why they came here instead of to me.

"They most likely were scared to send them to you while you were at Malfoy Manor." he tells me handing them to me.

I read them most of the beginning ones are friendly such as 'how has your summer been?' 'are you still with malfoy?' 'you did so well getting first last year. Good job' then the messages were getting more frantic such as 'where are you?' 'why aren't you responding?' 'have you heard from your brother?' 'did something happen to you or him?'

I sent Ron a letter back right then saying 'I'm fine, was with Draco, what about Harry?' I gave it to the owl and he took it back to Ron. I didn't get a response until the next day saying 'haven't heard from him all summer. worried about him.'

I used my ability to be in people's heads and was in his noticing he had bars on his windows which I wrote back to Ron asking if I could come over.

The next day he responded that I could. This was August 2nd. I asked my uncle the best way to go and he said the fireplace. I arrived there that evening. I was told I could stay in Ginny's room. I was up late talking to Ron and the twins trying to figure out how to help Harry. We came up with a plan it was stupid and could get us all kicked out of Hogwarts but we thought we  needed to get him out.

The next morning we had breakfast and not long after mid-day the raids started which their father, Author Weasley, had to go and get control of. So he left after lunch and did not come back that night. We decided that we should do it that night.

Draco Malfoy love story year 2Where stories live. Discover now