III - Showtime

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YN has never seen a room so opulent. She feels as if she's just stepped foot back in a time where Kings and Queens threw magnificent feasts and wore terribly tacky powdered wigs. She half expects there to be music playing, maybe a man or three strumming some ancient instruments.

But all that greets her is one table, much too small for the massive room it sits in. There are four places set at the table, one on each side. YN recognizes the back of her "fiance" right away, the mere sight of him causing her to stiffen. He looks up and they lock eyes, YN feeling all of her breath whoosh out of her.

He's smiling pleasantly, his fingers intertwined as they sit on the edge of the mahogany table.

"Hello, spitfire," he says much too jovially, "You clean up rather nicely."

His eyes scan over her body languidly. An icky feeling descends over YN and she has to fight the urge to vomit again. She's felt more nauseous in the past twenty-four hours than she has in her entire life.

"Don't just stand there," the man says impatiently, "Come sit down next to me."

YN doesn't have to be a genius to understand that he's not asking.

As carefully as she can, YN makes her way over to him, careful not to trip over her dress and go flying. As she approaches, the man stands up and pulls her chair out for her, pushing YN close to the table before returning to his own seat.

"Let's get some things settled before my father arrives, why don't we?" the man says, not wasting any time, "I want to be incredibly clear in my expectations for you. It'll be best for us both if you don't fuck things up."

YN swallows and nods, staring down onto her empty plate, wishing it would turn into a portal to get her away from here.

"Rule number one," he says, large hand reaching up to grip her jaw harshly and yank her face towards his, forcing her to make eye contact, "Always look at me when I'm talking to you."

YN does her best to nod, her heart pounding loudly in her ears.

"Rule number two," he continues, squeezing her face even harder, "Use your words. Understand?"

"Yes," YN says as best she can through her puckered lips.

"Sir," he adds.

"Yes, sir," YN parrots.

Seeming pleased, he releases her face.

"Rule number three," he continues, "Always do as I tell you. Insubordination will get you punished. Hesitation will get you punished. Backtalk will get you punished."

YN goes to nod before correcting herself.

"Yes, sir," she says meekly, forcing herself to maintain eye contact.

Even his gaze looks deadly, sharpness thinly veiled by a layer of warm chocolate.

"Besides that, you may do as you please. Besides leave, of course. I really don't care what you do as long as it doesn't reflect poorly on me. My reputation is very important. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," YN manages, trying not to think about how awful her life is going to be from now on.

"If anyone asks," he says, "You and I met at a party last year. You were incredibly taken by my beauty and approached me. We fucked and you found yourself catching feelings. I decided that you were beautiful enough to suit me and here we are."

YN tries to hide her disgust but she must not have been fast enough because he scowls.

"What?" he snaps, "You got a better idea?"

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