And the serpitine were ugly

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"So what a a so a drink is meant to get us fire chi?"The king of the scorpions asks Spinlyn."No the eagle said it can travel to places outside of Chima.There has to be another fire user somewhere the Phoenix couldn't have been the only one's to make fire chi"Spinlyn argued.The king of the scorpion "Scorm" he was called was gold with black stripes on his stomach and around his yellow eyes with gold ish brownish tusks and a gold green sharp scorpion tale behind him.His subjects looked exactly like him only they we're a dirt brown instead of lime green like their leader.The hundred of spiders in the spider tribe are either grey or brown with humanoid body's and six spider legs in their backs and have the same features as the queen but no gold lines."I'll be the one to decide that"Scorm took the the jug and started rubbing it."Why are you rubbing it?"Spinlyn asked."That's how genies work"Scorm replied."Oh give it too me"Spinlyn     snatches it from Scorm."I have the perfect plan we send our three best warriors from each tribe and they can go look for the fire user and if they never come back we'll train new ones"Spinlyn smiles looking at her reflection in the jug."Hmmm good idea we'll call for are best warriors now but also call a builder or two we'll need to make something fire proof to catch them"Scorm said.

"No need the webbing in my web cannons is fire proof so no need," Spinlyn assures him. "Very well they'll be gone by night fall before those stupid lion realize what you took," Scorm announces.


Spinlyn and Scorm have gathered who they consider the best. Spinlyn got three spiders Sparacon, Sparctus and a extra spider for bait. Scorm got the best scorpions that will be the ones to make the final blow. "Remember we need it alive unharmed is preferable and you remember the plan?" Spinlyn asks. "Yes our Queen," they all say at once. They had gathered in the middle of the cannon which was rocky with both the tribes armed to the teeth with ammo and spears for when they come back with this "Fire user," all in a circle. Sparctus pourers the half the water in the jug and a portal opens up in the ground it swirls like a whirlpool but instead of water it had clouds. "Good luck soldiers," Scorm said as they jumped in the portal.


The Scorpions and spiders landed in Ninja go with a loud THUD! "OW! go for a softer landing next time Sparctus," hissed Sparacon. As they all got up and looked around they were in a forest next to a clearing with tall sticky sappy trees. The tribes heard noises and sneaked in the direction of it. They looked through some bushes that they camouflaged great in thanks to their skin. They all saw a group of multicoloured people green, grey, blue, silver white, black and, red they had hoods on their backs but didn't have them up they were all boys except for the the one with the blue belt one. "Anyway let's get this over with I'm so going to beat you sis," the red one was saying. Then he set his hands on fire but didn't get burnt. "Fire user," A scorpion hissed getting up to strike but was pulled back down by Sparacon. "They are not like anything we've seen before they might have other abilities. Us spiders and one of you scorpions will distract the rest of this  multicoloured tribe. The other two scorpions will nab the red one," he said pointing at the other two scorpions. "Will use the web guns to grab him and pull him in"he finishes. They all turn back to see two dragons appear a red one and a blue one. "Okay ninja Ready set go!" The green ninja yelled and they took off. "NOW!"Sparacon yelled he threw a web bomb that landed between the black one and the white one.

ninjas view

"Uh Zane what's...." Cole started but couldn't finish his sentence when it went of and covered them in hard sticky webbing. Jay turned and started saying "Uh Lloyd you might want to turn around," Lloyd  around in time to get a kick in the leg. "I am general of the spider tribe Sparacon. Give is what we want and we'll let you lives," a humanoid spider said. "WOW and I thought the serpentine we're ugly but you take it too a whole new level," Cole remarks finally getting out off the webs. "We will give you what you want depending on what it is," Zane answered getting up with Cole after freezing the web. "So what is it?" Lloyd asks. "We seek the Fire user," Sparctus answers. "He means Kai"Jay whispers to Lloyd. "I now that and we are not giving you our brother," Lloyd answers shoutings at them. The scorpion and other spider behind the first two run and attacks Cole and Zane with spears in hand. Jay then attacks Sparacon "ninja go"the whole team yells and they each spin into a tornado of elements. Kai and Nya half way across the race look back too see the commotion. "We'll settle this another time," Nya said. "I was going to win anyway but okay," Kai shrugs they pull the reins on their dragons and flew back.

Kai and Nya flyover and land their dragons disappear as they touch down. But it doesn't really seem like they need their help the ninjas aren't even bothering to do spinjitsu anymore their just punching. Until the Spiders and Scorpions spot Kai the they quickly fall back then each get out a glowing blue orb. "You are in for a treat," a scorpion said and they put the orb into their chests. Then red buffed up versions roar above them all. "Kai get back they want your fire," Lloyd orders Kai. "Then I'll let them have it," Kai's hands burst to flame and he shoots it at the glowing bugs.

But he misses as their faster with the blue orbs. "Kai do what he says," Nya demands in a voice that means it'll be better for his health if he listens. "Fine," he grumbles and disappears into some bushes. "Let's light theses big up like it's Christmas," Jay said with lightning cracklings at his hands. "Thanks for that you made this so much easier," Sparctus smiled. Nya let loose a tidal wave and got them all so wet but she didn't care. "What do you want with my brother?!" she asks angry. "To make fire chi to rule Chima," Sparacon answers with a wicked smile. "Chima or Chi is not in my data base but I'm assuming that those blue orbs are fire chi," Zane said. "No just regular chi easy to steal we want Fire chi hard to steal," the scorpion said. "But you've just helped us get the Fire chi," The other spider added.

"GUYS I NEED SOME HELP!" Kai screamed from the forest the ninjas hadn't noticed but it looked like Kia had a tumble. There was fire burning and webbing everywhere. "KAI," the Ninjas screamed they all forgot about the other bugs as they stopped glowing. "Let go of me or else"Kai warned the two scorpions who had tide him up with two fire proof webbing nets.

They were dragging him to a portal they opened up with the the rest of the water as he struggled in their webbing."KAI! "Nya screamed. "NYA," Kai screamed back. "Not so fast," a scorpion said as it shot two loads of webbing at the ninjas it hit them dead on sticking them to the ground. As they tried to get up the rest of the spiders and scorpions came. "Good job move out. Oh and thanks for the fight it's been ages since I had fun like that. Now let's go make some fire chi," Sparctus said. The ninja watched helplessly as he kicked Kai into the portal. But just as it closed Lloyd realizes that the portal looks just like a travellers tea portal but it was gone in a blink of the eye and the portal closed.

(Few minutes later)

"They took Kai and we don't know we're they went they probably want to kill him and we don't know how to get there," Jay ranted he had been doing that for the last five minutes. "Jay calm down and let's go back to the monastery so we can tell master Wu about this," Lloyd was trying to calm Jay down who kept on pacing. Nya was in a state of panic trying to understand what just happened and Zane was using his ice powers to get Cole out of the webbing like he did for the others. "Let's just go to the monastery and inform master Wu," Nya finally said. "And get my brother even if it kills me," She finished as she hops on her motorcycle she used to get there.

(As they arrive at the monastery)

"So who won? Kai or Nya? Don't think I didn't guess what you we're doing I'm not that old," Master Wu chuckled looking up from his tea. Nya had been crying and Jay was trying to comfort her while Lloyd, Cole, and Zane we're discussing what to do. "What's wrong?" Master Wu asked then he realized "where's Kai?" That made Nya go into a fit of talking a mile a minute about the whole ordeal which is usually what Jay does. "My father talked about Chima once it was a strange land one of the sixteen realms. Though I don't know what they would want with Kai," Wu informs them. They look at each other "I think they used travellers tea," Lloyd shares

"But that's impossible travellers tea is only grown in Ninjago," Zane said. "Maybe they have they've been here before and took some," Cole suggests. "It's possible. But you should go and get the realm crystal go to this Chima realm and find Kai," Wu orders them. "I'll stay here in case they come back," Wu finishes. "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go to Chima," Jay said running to his vehicle along with all the other ninjas.

(At Borge tower where the realm crystal is kept)

"We promise to give it back once we're back," Cole promised Cyrus Borge. "Very well then I wish you the best of luck," Borge said with a smile."Thanks we'll need it Kai's been gone twelve hours because someone tried looking for research on Chima finding nothing," Cole sighs looking at Zane. "So how does it work again?" Nya asks. "Well last time I just..." Lloyd started but a blue portal opened up and all the ninjas fell straight through.

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