First day

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Leon POV:

Today I did my same routine of everday, I got ready and then went to school. When I arrived to I searched for my group, yesterday, I completed the dare

-Hey guys- I saw walking over them

-Hey- they responded

-So, how was the date? Diego asks me

-Great, I kissed Azul yesterday, so I completed the dare- I said looking proud

-Well he did it- Tomas said

-And about you?- I ask them, I'm the one who first finish the dares and for the others one, it takes them time.

-Today I'm going to ask Maria Antonia to be my girlfriend- Diego said

-And this friday I'm going on a date with Paulina- Marco said

-Well I'm not in that things guys- Federico said, he is part of our group but he hates that kind of things.

-Yeah we know

-Hey everyone, look how brodway gets rejected- Maxi said, we turned around and see Broadway walking to Camilla, the dare of broadway was to take Camilla on a date, well let's see how it goes.

We see Broadway walk to Camilla, she is with her friends Francesca, and I think Violetta, I'm not sure. He talks to her and she looks annoyed, then they go to one corner and Broadway ask her. She looks mad, says something to Broadway and then leaves. Broadway comes to us and looks like he was rejected

-Let me guess, she said no?- Marco asked him laughing

-Well she is a though girl- He said defending himself

-Ohh come on dude, it isn't so difficult- I told him

-If it is so easy why don't you ask her out

- I would, but she isn't my dare so sorry

-Well if you think is so easy we already got you someone- Tomas said

-Who?- Well most of the girls are in love with me so it will be easy

-Violetta Castillo- Diego said, ohhh god that girl is the most difficult girl of the whole school. She rejects every boy that asks her out, and she hasn't have had a boyfriend, she will be difficult but I'll complete the dare, Leon Vargas always completes the dare

-No guys, why she? She is my best friend, don't do it- Federico said

-I will do it, what do I have to do?- I asked them fast and they were impressed

-Well you have to.... Go on some dates with her, make her your girlfriend and kiss her- Andres said

-Fine, I'll do it and how much time I have to be her boyfriend- They made it difficult but I'll make her my girlfriend and kiss her

-1 week- Maxi responded


-Please Leon, don't do it- Federico begged

-Why not?- What's the problem? That she is his best friend? Pff who cares

-Well because she is my best friend, and I wouldn't like to see her hurt, besides she would never date someone like you- He said, what does he means someone like me? I'm hot and every girl wants me

-What do you mean someone like me? I asked

-Well she hates guys that are always flirting with every girl and doesn't commit to one girl- He answered

-Well we will see- I answered

-Good, now go and ask her since she is there- They said pointing at her, she was alone taking something from her locker

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