Getting to know each other

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Violetta POV:

Today I woke up around 7 because I have class until 8, I went to the shower and got showered, then I went to the closet and grabbed a turquoise sweater, black pants and some turquoise vans, I curled my hair and went downstairs, there I saw my father and Angie having breakfast

-Good morning- I said

-Good morning sweetie- My father said

-Hey vilu- My aunt said, I sat down at my usual place and waited for Olga to bring the food. Olga is our cooker and cleaner helper, she is really funny and has a crush on Ramallo. The food arrived and we ate our food talking about the studio and a song I'm writing, when we finished Angie asked me something

-Hey Vilu do we go to the studio together?- She asked me? She works there and since is not so far from my house so we sometimes walk together to the studio

-Yeah sure let me just grab my bag- I went back to my room and I put in my bag the new song I'm working on and my diary. Went I was in the stairs I listened my father talking to someone, I went downstairs and then I saw him at the door

-Hey Beautiful- Leon said looking at me with his usual smirk, I saw how my father was giving him a death glare and he was a little bit scared

-Beautiful, why does he call you beautiful?

-Heeey... What are you doing here- I asked surprised, why is he here?

-Well babe, I wanted to ask you if you would walk with me to school

-No she won't, she is going with her aunt now goodbye- My father said to Leon and pushing him out of the door, I was laughin because of my fathet expression

-No it's okay she can walk with him- Angie said coming out of the kitchen, ugghh great, I didn't wanted to go with him

-No no no she has to go with you- My father said

-Let her go with her friend, I'll see you in school Vilu, byee- She said pushing me to Leon and closing the door with my father complaining with her

-Hey babe- He said with an smirk

-Hey, please don't call me babe- I said a bit annoyed, I hate when they call me like that

-Why not? Every girl would like to be called like that by me- He said giving me one of his famous grins, does he knows how to smile?

-Well. I'm not most girls- I said starting to walk to the studio

-Where are you going- He asked me walking behind me

-To the studio- I answered, he catch up to me and we were walking in silence

-Soo... How are you?- He asked me breaking the silence

-Good- I answered, and then there was this awkward silence

-Listen, I'm not so...

-Good getting to know each other?- I finished his sentence

-Yes- he answered

-Yeah I can see that- I told him, we arrived to the studio and I went to my locker. Then the girls arrived

-Hey girls- I said

-We saw you walking to the school with Leon, why?-Cami asked, wow is this an interrogation?

-Well he went to my house and asked me if we could go together to the studio and my aunt said that I should go and kick me out off the house

-Why he went to your house in the first place?- Fran asked

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