Lmfao i sad boi

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Soooooo- u know that amazing feeling u get when u feel like your special to that one person that u love so much and stuff but the amazing feeling stops when u find out that they talk to someone else and treat them sooooo much more special then what they treated you and talks to them like you've always wanted to be treated and u wanna ask them about it but u don't want them finding out u had to literally stalk all there social media to find this shit out cause u were bored? ( I'm being serious, I was literally bored today and I stalked all his social media AND I even fucking looked at the comments and I found this one guy that he's all " closer " with)
And now ur sad and jealous and angry but yet u wanna hug them and say " don't forget about me" cause they haven't texted u and when u stalked there social Media i find out he's been talking to that guy instead of replying to u, cause u looked at the time they were texting and they talk all the time and he hasn't replied in a whole day and u wanna text him " hi" for the 3rd time but u don't want them thinking ur obsessed with them even tho u are so u don't text them and just go back to stalking and then start stalking the other guy he's talking too look at his stuff and see more shit that makes u sad and see there conversation and they write paragraphs to each other and he's never wrote u a paragraph and now u feel less special so u do more deep stalking while sitting in ur room covered in blankets like a burrito and then ur mood changed to fucking " this fucking bitch ass hoe ain't awnsering my messages fuckin hoe better text me and love me and block that other hoe even tho we aren't dating well...ACTUALLY WE ARE DATING HE JUST DOESNT KNOW IT YET THAT HOE"  then it goes to " actually...he probably loves that guy...maybe he thinks I'm annoying and doesn't like me..." but u remember online school starts Tuesday and realize u ruined ur sleeping schedule that u worked so hard to get on track just because of some stupid adorable lovable fucking guy and then start thinking of how much that other guy is so sweet to him and how the guy u love is so sweet to him back and how they will probably be a pretty good couple and so u put ur headphones on and start listening to " I wish I was heather" cause u think that song just matches up with ur life right now and just stare at the ceiling until u decide " u know what? Ima write all this on wattpad and post it CAUSE WHY THE FUK NOT" and then u remember that one friend u had on Wattpad that u invited to download it from school and realize they ain't fucking active on this app anymore for some goddamn reason (where the fuck did u go u left me ) and now ur questioning if u should spam the boy u love so much to where he's forced to ether block u or reply

Cause yeah me too.


I'm kidding I won't do that chhfvrjjrvjtb

Unless 😶



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