Deku- Weird nicknames
- Can't be apart for to long
- Cuddlesss
- You must like all might and be fine with ur house being decorated with all might stuff-
- Kisses on le cheek
- A wholsome relationshipBakuhoe
- Yelling
- Calming him down
- Listening to him bitch about... Life
- Make out sessions 👀
- Cuddling to calm him downIcyHo- Shoto
- Him bitching about his dad on rare occasion
- Him being a listener
- His siblings adore you
- Him buying you whatever because he has his dad's credit card
- Cuddles
- You eat soba a lot-Kiri
- Him dressing you and him in shark costumes
- Him constantly texting to make sure your ok
- Kissesssss
- Him calming you down when u and bakuhoe fight
- Him being adorableee
- Him talking about how manly him and other people are
- Red hair dye everywhere.
- When I say that I mean it
- No more white towels
- People ask if you murdered someone when they go in the bathroomPikaPika
- Flirting
- More flirting
- Pervertedness
- getting mineta to not flirt with you
- Getting shocked every now and again
- Dealing with his stupidity
- ' Studying ' with him
- We all now where that goes
- bE sAfE kIdS 😏😏😏It's 3 am
Ill do this more tomorrow
My head hurts
Lifes sad
But not always
Is this how denki feels?
I'll shut up now
MHA/BNHA Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenarios
Fanfictionuhhhh just read- fuck i cant do descriptions- (Btw slight 13+)