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liked by 1 otherlucasmighthaveafinsta: me watching my friend freak out and rant to me in the back of a bus about how his celebrity crush said they should get married while everyone else is bringing stuff into the venue

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liked by 1 other
lucasmighthaveafinsta: me watching my friend freak out and rant to me in the back of a bus about how his celebrity crush said they should get married while everyone else is bringing stuff into the venue. yes, i made a whole new instagram solely for stuff like this. yes, geoff, you are the only one following

underscoregeoff: Dude I told you I dont know for sure
- lucasmighthaveafinsta: ok but the way ur acting makes me think that i know for sure for sure
— underscoregeoff: at least stop saying celebrity crush lmao
—- lucasmighthaveafinsta: but your celebrity crush is technically a celebrity
—— underscoregeoff: whatever. Help us with setting up loser
——- lucasmighthaveafinsta: will do

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