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"How was your day today, boys?" Miss Berri asked as she chopped up vegetables for tonight's dinner. PJ sat himself at the kitchen bench, Parappa did the same.
"It was okay, oh!" PJ remembered something "Sometime after you left this morning AJ came over." PJ's mum nodded her head
"Did he just?"
"Yeah, he asked for you but I told him you weren't home." Miss Berri stopped cutting the vegetables and looked up at her son with a serious look on her face
"Did he tell you why he asked for me?" She asked, a little nervous. PJ shook his head
"Nope, he just asked for you then I invited him inside.. why?" 
"Just," she sighed "It could of been about Aunt Anne, you know her health isn't getting any better.." Parappa just sat there, not knowing what to say
"Umm.. If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong with PJ's Aunt?" He asked, wanting to know. Miss Berri looked at Parappa
"She has leukemia.." was the only thing she said before going back to cutting vegetables. That's no good.. Parappa thought to himself.

"The food looks delicious Miss Berri." Parappa said, complimenting PJ's mother's cooking after she placed a bowl of vegetable soup infront of him "When my mum used to cooked food, it never look good, or taste good." Miss Berri smiled
"Well, at least she was trying." She said to him, placing the last bowl of vegetable soup infront of PJ at the table, where he was patiently waiting to start eating. PJ looked at the food and licked his lips "Just wait Payton, I haven't sat down yet.." Miss Berri told her son who had picked up his spoon, ready to dig in. Miss Berri finally sat down which cause her and PJ to both say "Grace" at the same time. Parappa didn't know what to do so he awkwardly said grace after them.

Almost 2 minutes later PJ had already finished
"Payton your such a pig." Miss Berri told her son. PJ looked at her
"Well, I was hungry and were having one of my favorite Dinners." He replied, picking up his bowl and heading to the sink. He started humming 'Welcome to the 60s'  which made Parappa a little annoyed.

Later on, Miss Berri and Parappa finished and gave their bowls to PJ, who was still in the kitchen, emptying the dishwasher.
"If you want desert there's some strawberry Ice-cream in the freezer" PJ's mum told the boys "I'm going to go visit Auntie Anne in Hospital." PJ looked up at his mum from in the kitchen
"Can I come too?" He asked. Miss Berri looked at Parappa then an PJ
"We can tomorrow when Parappa goes home." She told her son. PJ nodded and closed the Washing Machine. "If you need anything just call me!" Miss Berri called from the front door.
"Okay, bye mum!" PJ called back. Then the door shut. "I guess we have the house to ourselves again.." PJ said facing Parappa who was sitting at the kitchen bench. Parappa just nodded making a "mm" sound.

Parappa and PJ had decided to watch the music channel on TV, only because there was nothing on any of the other channel to watch and that they couldn't find a movie on Netflix they both wanted to watch. The boys both had bowls full of strawberry Ice-cream. Parappa had some strawberries topped on his while PJ had heaps on chocolate topping. The music channel was currently playing Britney Bears "...Baby One More Time" one of PJ's mum's favourite songs.
"Are you sure your not related to Britney Bears, PJ?" Parappa asked his fuzzy friend for the 3rd time. PJ sighed and shook his head
"Just because we're both Teddy Bears doesn't mean we're related." PJ replied
"Yeah.. but.. you never know, you could be related in some way,"
"I doubt it. But, if we were related, that would be pretty cool"

"Hey Parappa?" Parappa looked over at his friend
"Can I wear your hat?" PJ asked
"Oh, umm.. yeah sure!" Parappa took off his hat and placed it on PJ's head. It was a little big and slid over the top of PJ's eyes so he pushed the hat back so PJ could fully see. PJ looked at Parappa and grinned before snuggling up against him. Parappa felt his face heat up by PJ's actions. He placed his bowl on Ice-cream on the coffee table infront of them and then put an arm around PJ.

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