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The Beginning of this Chapter/Episode will be somewhat of an extended version of the last episodes ending, Affer that the story continues on.


The destruction of various REVOCS Factories by Another "Unit" have almost limit the amount of life fibers used to create more Uniforms made for the Raid Trip, Iori was still trying to figure out a way to increase the power output of the New Goku Uniforms with this current problem, But it seems luck has gave him a chance as Satsuki enters the Lab with pieces of Senketsu, Now he can no longer worry about having wasting more resources as they now have the power of Kamui Senketsu.

Back with (Y/N) after defeating the religious preacher, He didn't expect the fight to be longer than he expected as it was night time already or the early morning, That bastard sure was tough but thanks to his Nipple Lasers, This would mean that he won't be any trouble again in the future now he's gone. Since his humanity was already dead, (Y/N) didn't need to worry about feeling regretful on what he did. He had to stop a hostile monster.

He flies and leaves to where he originally was only to find nobody around. No Ryuko or Nui

Guyver (Y/N): No...No im too late! Damn it! If i wasn't able to defeat that thing sooner, I could've saved Ryuko! But i fucked up again! Damnit! Why can't i do anything righ!

All he did next was to stay there hopelessly not doing anything. He failed to save Ryuko and feels useless once again no matter what he did. But can he still communicate with Senketsu?

Guyver (Y/N): *telepathy* Senketsu, Where are you?

Another "Unit": Relax, Your Girlfriend is safe

That didn't sound like Senketsu but...

Guyver (Y/N): Huh?!

The boy turned around to see a man in purple spiky armor holding Ryuko in his hands

Guyver (Y/N): Hey, You're...!

He used his head sensors to see who's inside but seems to be blocked and the only thing he could see is his muscle and bones

Another "Unit": A Guyver just like you...

He hands over Ryuko peacefully to (Y/N) who stares at her

Guyver (Y/N): *sad* Ryuko...What has she done to you? *notices scarf* Is that...

The other Guyver then notices vehicles moving out to their destinations

Another "Unit": *mind* Seems like the cavalry's moving, I better go before someone founds...*head sensors moving* Shit

Coincidentally, Someone did spot the two Guyvers. It was none other but the blue haired teacher going undercover, He had his Nudist Beach firearm ready aiming at Another "Unit"

Mikisugi: Hold it right there!

The two Guyver's turn around to see him holding his weapon

Mikisugi: (Y/N), Stay away from him!

Guyver (Y/N): What why?! Didn't he help Ryuko?

Mikisugi: I said stay away from him now!

What was there to be afraid about? He kept Ryuko safe from Nui but is there something that Mikisugi didn't like about him? Maybe there is

Another "Unit": Aikuro...Mikisugi...

He walks slowly around (Y/N)'s teacher

Mikisugi: So you do know me...You're that Ninja!

Oh wow a Metal Gear Reference

Another "Unit": Of course...i could be that homeless man begging for your money, I could be your neighbour removing weeds outside your house, Maybe your drinking buddy in the teacher's lounge or perhaps even your dad who left to buy milk...

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