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Im going to put some continuity switch here, and after that the story will continue normally like always. There's also two new things that i will be introducing even though were almost reaching the end of the story. How Amazing is that, New ideas at the Semi-Finale


1:00AM in the morning...

After the fun and exciting night they had, Ryuko wakes up to see (Y/N) below her staring at her in betweens filled with cream pie out of (Y/N)'s secret friend here. It was the first time he ever released the stuff from him and he still couldn't believe how a shy awkward boy like ended up mingling with a badass troublemaker school girl who is probably better than him. To (Y/N), Ryuko was the definition of a perfect woman and hopes that she would stay with him for quite a long time

Ryuko: How long are you gonna keep staring that?

She spoke with a flirty voice

(Y/N): I've been stating that thing since 12. Its still quite a fascinating organ

Ryuko: You pervert...*slaps his face with her foot* you better not stare that for too long. I don't want a son who would develop a fetish from papa or a daughter that would finger herself for porn money

(Y/N): Heh,I promise you that won't happen

The two got up and put on their clothes, Ryuko was quite surprised when the underwear (Y/N) got looked like her white and blue striped bra and panties. She wonders if the clothes she wore before Senketsu was taken by Mikisugi. Ryuko opens the wardrobe and her Kamui Senketsu asks her a question

Senketsu: Ryuko, I respect your decision but don't you think having a reproductive activity is a bad idea?

Ryuko: Who needs a shotgun wedding? I fight half naked anyways so what's the damn point

While the Ryuko and Senketsu were talking together, (Y/N) was putting on his clothes and hears a telepathic call from Mackenzie

(Y/N):*telepathy* Hm? Mackenzie? What is it?

Mackenzie: Let me guess, You two lost your virginity?

(Y/N): Huh? What are you talking about? Even if we did you're not my brother, I do whatever i want with her. Unless this is about Satsuki just because she's her sister

Mackenzie: Well did you?

Wanting to be honest, (Y/N) gives up and decides not to lie about it

(Y/N): Ugh...please don't tell it to her...

Mackenzie: No, Don't worry...its fine...its fine...

(Y/N): Oh? Really?

Mackenzie: Cause i kinda fucked her too

(Y/N): You what?!

Seems like the two guyvers had banged their respective girlfriends wearing skimpy battle suits. What a coincidence

Mackenzie: Look,Since We're enemies of Ragyo, We don't need her damn permission to make babies anymore ok? Anyway, Im with Satsuki on my way to meet Iori, See ya at the meeting!

The telepathic call ends

(Y/N):*mind* Why do i have a feeling my kid is gonna share a birthday with his...


Meanwhile in the lab

The Remaining Sewing Club Members had collected enough Life Fivers to create new Goku Uniforms made for the club members who were revealed to be alive and well. Iori had just injected syringe onto Junketsu. Right behind him is Nudist Beach leaders Mikisugi and Tsumugu with Satsuki wearing a black leather jacket and Mackenzie Crane who now wears his Ninja clothes now that he is no longer allies with Ragyo

[Ryuko X MaleReader] KILL LA KILL: OUT OF CONTROLWhere stories live. Discover now