2. Dear Ma

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Dear Ma,

It never occured to me how lucky I was.

How I had a great, lovely life. How having a full family mad it beautiful. It was not the best, but good enough for me. You were always there for me and brother. We came home from school to piping hot ramen on a cold day or ice kachang on a hot day. You comforted us when we were down and would bring our spirits up high. You were the best.

But let's not forget Pa, right? He supported us the sole breadwinner, yet he always found time to be with us. He taught me and brother, even you, how to cycle! He would be there to let you, me and brother know he loved us. To let you know, he's doing good, recovering well from drinking.

But things will never stay good right? It was that day when the doctor told us you were sick. Stage 3 Cancer. We were all devastated. Pa started drinking, brother got depressed. I was the only one left. I didn't know what to do. So I went to you. Talked to you, played puzzles with you, brought you food, read for you. It kept me occupied from what was happening at home, brother wailing, Pa gone. Pa never really did come home every night, did he?

Your condition worsened, brother started cutting and Pa collapsed one night. I was the only one left, to work, to cook. Expected of a daughter to do her job, right...? But you told me what to do for them, kept letting me know I was not just a girl. You kept me going through those times. Brother got therapy, Pa quit drinking. Everything was going to get better. But it never did. It still left you. You held on as long as you could, and I'm proud for you.

I just want you to know, that,Ma, thank you. Thank you for everything.

Your daughter,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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