Not a chapter

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I wanted to tell you guys that my graduation exam is starting next week so I'm going to be starting my revision which means I won't be able to write some chapters.

I'm really sorry! I will try to publish some during the next 3 weeks but I can't promise I would everyday.Maybe twice a week?I can't promise I can even publish one.I'm really sorry.

I'm in the peak of murdering myself to be honest.I can't catch up with all my homework and my parents are stressing me even more.I'll try to update at least twice.

So for the next 3 weeks,I won't be able to update like how I used to.I'll promise after everything is over,I'll update like a mad woman in here.

I'm really sorry!


Netflix said that BP will be releasing LIGHT UP THE SKY a documentary film about their before debut and private videos on 13 October!!Mark your calendar !!!

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