Chapter 14*

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Alex landed on stiles bed, dropping her bag at her feet.

Stiles swung the door to close, Alex jumped back seeing Derek on he other side.

Stiles turned,  "Are you.. Derek!"

"Hey, Stiles!" Noah stilinski called. 

Derek shushed him and pointed for him to go talk to his dad. Stiles stood up and walked over to the door quickly, only opening it a jar so Noah wouldn't see behind it.

Alex stood up, "what the hell. You are literally a wanted fugitive"

"I'm not a fugitive" he argued back quietly.

"Yes I know that" she nodded

Derek exhaled,   "thanks"

She looked at him, her brows  furrowed  "What?"

"Healing me... thanks"

"How did you-

"I wasn't completely  unconscious when you did it. I heard you"

"Well then you seen that thing not killing me and I want answers for that"

He shrugged "I.. I don't know why it didn't"

"This is all sorts of crazy"

"I should probably save him" Alex pointed to her boyfriend

Derek nodded quietly.

Alex walked over and opened the door slightly. Peering out at the sheriff of beacon hills "hi mr stilinski, I'm alex, you might know my parents. Chris argent is my father"

"Can I steel stiles off you. We have got a mountains worth of homework and very little time"  she asked, adding a small chuckle

Noah straightened up at the sight of his sons new girlfriend "Oh stiles you didn't tell me you had a girl over I'll leave you be"

"I'll see you tonight"

Alex walked back into stiles room, just as stiles shut his door Derek grabbed him and pinned him against it.

"If you say one word -..."

Stiles cut in "Oh, what, you mean, like, "Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room - Bring your gun"?" He asked

Derek loosened his grip on stiles, who was letting out short breaths as his surprised heart tried to beat at a normal pace again.

"Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy."

Alex stood watching with her arms crossed over her chest. She sighed unimpressed by the wolfs behavior "Derek let go"

Derek huffed, he let go of stiles shirt and even went as far as straightening it out for him. Stiles quickly slipped out of the gap between Derek and door.

"Let's get one thing straight derek, same rules apply as the vet clinic. You hurt him and you're alone okay"

Derek nodded, barely.

"Scott didn't get the necklace?" He asked

"No. He's still working on it." Stiles shook his head

"What about her?" Derek asked pointing to Alex.

Alex narrowed her eyes eyes "her has a name, and you know it.  Besides, I told stiles I'll be as much help as possible, but I draw the line and stealing from my sister"

Derek opened his mouth to lecture the girl

"Ah" Alex pointed at him. Quickly silencing the words that hadn't made it past his lips yet "don't even try with your little threats because you Derek hale do not scare me, nor do your one liners"

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