Keeping it a secret

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Nobody's POV

We see the Yagi twins running into their parents bedroom shouting "ITS OUR BIRTHDAY!" During the twin's yelling, Toshinori cover's his ear's with a pillow saying "You two be quiet, let's eat breakfast and then your mother can take you to the quirk doctor." Hearing this Inko say's "Why do i have to take them?" Toshinori leans in and whisper's something into her ear causing her to make an understanding face, Inko sigh's "Fine, alright Izuku go take your sister down stair's, Izumi make sure Izuku doesn't fall down the stair's again." After she said this Izumi starts giggling while Izuku makes a pouting face.

Time Skip

The three Yagi's arrive at the quirk doctor holding their favourite hero's, Izuku is holding All Might while Izumi is holding Telekinesis, when the doctor finally calls them in the twin's sprint to the room while being followed by a snickering Inko. The doctor pull's out the result's and starts reading them with a surprised look "Alright so there is good news and bad news, which do you want first?" Inko gets a nervous look on her face hearing the bad news part "Can we have the bad news first." The doctor sighs and say's "Sorry to say but Izuku here wont be getting a quirk." After hearing this the three are devastated, while Izuku is on the verge of tear's, the doctor follow's on to say "In happier news, Izumi here will be getting a quirk giving her mind reading abilities along with a strong telekinesis ability." Inko picks up Izumi saying "Sweetie your going to be the best hero!" Izumi cheer's while Izuku is trying his best look happy for her, Inko walk's out holding Izumi, leaving Izuku to follow them like a lost puppy. But before they could leave the doctor said "Can i speak to Izuku quickly?" Inko sighs and say's "Ok, Izuku come out to the car when you are done or we will leave you to walk." Upon hearing this Izuku look's down while Izumi look worried thinking "I really don't want my brother to get hurt, I know i'll ask the other's for help!" Izuku walk over to doctor "Ok i lied about you being quirkless." Izuku makes a happy but shocked face "You have a God like quirk called black whip, using this you can make black like whip's appear out of your wrist or finger's, with the right training you will be able to make them appear from your back, for your's and your family's safety, you need to make people think you are quirkless because if villian's figure out about this, they will try to take ayou and use you as a weapon." Izuku nod's and hug's the doctor, then heading out to the car.

Time Skip

Toshinori is sitting on the couch, waiting for his Wife and children to return. The door get's opened slowly, revealing Inko holding Izumi while Izuku follow behind with his head down. "So how did it go?" Inko looks toward's Toshinori and respond's "Well Izuku is quirkless, while Izumi has a stronger version of my telekinesis." Toshinori stand up and start's hugging Izumi, both the twin's hear them both muttering thing's like "Izumi with be the ultimate hero and we will be more popular than we are." Along with "Guess we only have one weapon, we can just forget that disgrace exist's." Izuku head's to his room and start's crying into his pillow.

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