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< recap >
you and the boys go outside and start to get into the cars until you see a third car (an SUV) pull up and 5 girls get out, but you immediately recognize Avani and Cynthia, but the other three girls.. who are they?
< end of recap >
BL - "Hey!" Blake says running up and hugging the blonde girl
y/n - "Blake?!" I yell "Care to tell me who these people are?" I ask smiling at the girls
BL - "oh sorry y/n, this is my girlfriend amalie, Jadens ex but now girlfriend mads, and joshes ex/"bestie" thing nessa." Blake laughs and Josh giggles at the comment about nessa "And you obviously already know Cynthia and Avani" Blake adds
y/n - "Well nice to meet you girls" i said smiling at them "im the boys assistant, so anything you need tell me" I said
(TG - The girls)
TG - "Thank you y/n" All the girls said together
( N - Nessa
M - Mads
AV - Avani
AM - Amalie
C - Cynthia)
N - "omg your so sweet" Nessa says hugging me
y/n - "awe thank you so much" I said
AM - "Let me add you to our groupchat" Amalie said
TG - "good idea" All the girls said
you have just been added to a groupchat with, Cynth🙈, Avani🤡, and 3 unknown people.
y/n - "omg yay! i was added" i said walking up to the rest of the girls by the car. "okay so whose who?" I asked
They showed me who each of them are and I quickly added them to my contacts.
Ness 🦕
y/n - "okay y'all lets get going" We then piled into three cars, a rangerover, and 2 honda SUVs. Griffin was driving one of the SUVs with Quinton, Cynthia, Nessa, and Josh, then Jaden was driving another SUV with Mads, Blake, Amalie, and Kio. Then I was driving the Range with Bryce, Avani, Anthony, and Noah.
We all Piled in and Bryce and Noah fought for Shotgun while Anthony, Avani and I peacefully got into the car. After what felt like FOREVER, Noah gave up and Bryce got Shotgun.
I texted Griffin and Jaden.
           responsible drivers club
                                    you guys ready?
yes maam

yep we are all set!
also who named this
groupchat i like that
name 🤔
                                      you did dork 🤪
                                     lets get goingg

I put my phone down and started the car.
y/n - "Ready y'all?" I asked
(E - Everyone)
E - "Yesss" They all say excited
I take off the break and start to follow Griffin out of the neighborhood
This is it I thought to myself My first vacation with the boys! I then mentally smacked my head I should have just signed up to babysit! I then let out a small giggle and continued following Griffin.

a/n - Hey y'all just wanted to thank you again for almost 150 views! I started this for fun but i guess you guys liked it? lol ty again and if no one has told you IM SO PROUD OF YOU!! xoxo 💋

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