Chapter 2

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Soft hand touched my face and caressed my forehead. That very instance I new that it's time to get up and welcome new day with hope and positive attitude.

As soon as I opened my eyes I saw my mom's smiling face .It's her daily routine to come and greet me with her love."Good Morning Mom" I keed her head and hugged her.
"How was your rehearsal baby,I am soory I was not at home when you came back".I interrupted her before she can explain " it's ok mom, no problem I know you had some important work to do .it's ok to live for yourself , chill I am a big girl now."
My Mom Sarah is very sensitive and caring towards me.she gave up all her dreams to just take my care.
"Ok.Now get ready today is the big day .." before she can even finish her sentence I remembered .

" Oh god! Mom today is my performance and I didn't even talked to Andrew about the changes we need to do in our routine ,Thanks Mom for waking me up ,I will call Andrew now".

I called Andrew but he didn't receive my call " This is unusual he is not answering" I sighed and hoped for good.what possibly can go wrong with him.

I got ready for breakfast and went downstairs to the dining table and found my mum and dad sitting quietly "what's the matter dad,mum you both are unusually quite today ? Did you two fight?" I asked worriedly but my father shrugged and patted my hand while assuring me that everything is fine.

As soon As I finished my breakfast I left for the venue to check if everything for today's performance was ready.

" What the hell is worng Andrew ..pick up the call.."
I left my voice message and started analysing everything. It was just one hour before the performance Andrew graces us with his presence.

I run and hug the life out of him and he responded but something was odd .I didn't understood what but today something was different .He smiled but there was worry in his eyes.I raised my eyebrows at him but he assured ever thing is good and we will catch up after the performance.

The moment arrived and we were called upon the stage.While dancing I felt like I belong here .This dance was epic full of romance and chemistry.
I felt content at that moment .

" I have something to tell you. Let's talk in our usual park"Andrew was straight to the point but why he is not always like this.

But before I can reply I got a call which shattered me completely.

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