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"I really have a feeling that next time, I found a picture that Honey will appear there," said the blue boy to himself, pissed off. He closed the galery, as it showed the wallpaper. They and him, playing in the middle of the street while it's raining. "Ahh, I'm tired," he turned off his phone, sat down and put the charger on again to his phone.

He laid back, taking the blanket and sleeping. The other boys in the corner that laid on the floor really tired, until they were snoring so loud. The blue boy just calmly sleep. But, it just a few minutes, and he started to joined them, snoring so loud.

1:25 AM until 4:12 AM, accidentally the maroon boy woke up. Don't know if he had nightmare or what, but he just woke up and realized he was in the floor or carpet, not in the bed.

"Uhh, I feel dizzy. What time is it now?" he lifted up his body as he swung the blanket away from him. He stood up, as he saw the blue boy still slept. "Everyone is still sleeping, why am I wake up?" he asked himself, walking toward the curtains. Opening it, he could see the beautiful city.


The maroon boy shocked and jumped a bit, but he calmed down as he saw the blue boy sitting down and rubbing his eye with his right hand that injured.

"Oh, hi Valt. Did your right hand already good? You know, that stupid Naru stabbed you," he walked toward the blue boy as he sat down on the bed.

"Oh, no problem with that," said the blue boy as he smiled. The maroon did the same.

The blue boy folded the blanket, as he stepped the floor. Standing up, he bent, unplugging the charger and taking his phone. He clicked the screen two times, as the it turned into lock screen.

"Now, it's four twenty AM," he glanced at the maroon boy that extremely shocked. The blue boy raised his eyebrow, looking at the boy in confused. "What?"

"How did you get the charger?" asked the maroon boy, pointing the charger that encircled in Valt's wrist. "You have it?"

"No no, I just found it here," said blue boy, opening the drawer. "And this is the tote bag," he pulled out the transparent tote bag that was beside his pillow. "Cool thing, right? I didn't know that they have a chargers here."

"Woah, I think that you have a magic stick and then you wish a charger, and POOF! It came," said the maroon boy as he raised his index, thinking it was the magic wand.

"If I have it, I already make all of us get out from this uncool world," smirked Valt. He clicked the screen two times again, as he clicked the alphabets on the keyboard, entering the password. "I have something to give you."

"What?" said the maroon boy as Valkyrie's blader sat down to the bed back. He showed the photo that he opened in the middle of the night before. "What's wrong wit- Wait a second," the maroon boy took the phone from Valkyrie's blader as he zoomed the photo. "I know this girl. But,.. when?"

"You know, Shasa Guten? That always run away when see saw you?"

"Yeah! That's her! I kinda confused why she's running away from me," our Scarlet Supernova shrugged his shoulders in confused.

"You know, it's your fans dude," Valkyrie's blader smirked mischievously, as he took his phone back. "I hate a fans that always running away, even when we want to talk about something that important. . . . Same like her."

"Well duh, me too of course. I hate a fans but I love a friends," the maroon crossed his arms and smiled at the blue boy. "Honestly, not everyone want to be our friends... since we are a-"

"Legendary bladers," said Valt, cutting Aiga's sentence. The maroon boy just nodded in sad. "But, the best thing is... we can battling with our partners, right?"

"Yeah, you can say it again," smiled the maroon.

They suddenly jumped from the bed, hearing someone screaming. Like, someone, a girl screaming. Our Supernova quickly stood up and walked toward the yellow boy. He about to woke him up, as Drum opened his eyes widely, creeping the Supernova until he fell. The yellow boy's eyes weren't green, it was red. Really really red.

The yellow boy stood up as he about to screamed, the same screamed like before. A girl voice, a pitch girl voice. Supernova just could to shut his ears with his hands, same to the Wonder Boy. As the boys closing their ears, the yellow boy quickly ran toward the Scarlet boy as he suffocated the Scarlet. The blue boy quickly ran toward the yellow boy, pushing him and blocking his hands.

"Hey, Drum! What's wrong with you!? Hey!" called the Wonder Boy, but we know it was absolutely useless. The Scarlet took a breath quick as he glanced at the yellow boy that thirsty to killed someone.

More hard Valt blocked his hands, more bright his eyes shone red. It almost like a bright red mixed with black.

"Hey, dude! Wake up! Hey!" The Scarlet shook him hardly but, Drum kept trying to killed what was in front of him.

Suddenly, the yellow boy screamed hysterical as they both tried to shut his mouth. His voice might can heard by them. At the end, the yellow boy stopped as he completely weak and couldn't stand his body anymore. The blue boy held his shoulders, to kept him sat down.

"What's happening actually?" asked the Scarlet, as the blue boy looked at him. He about to spoke, but suddenly he gasped so hard. "What?" He turned his head, but there was nothing.

Oh, in the end, the Scarlet boy realized that the curtains were opened as he could see a black thing, red eyes and a teeth, smiling creepy to them in the window.

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