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"Hello Sir, are you okay? Um, can you help me?"

The blue boy turned around, seeing a little boy that holding an umbrella. The blue boys stood up, wiping his tears away to facing the little boy. He even grinned to him as he down to his knee a little to the boy.

"I'm okay! Do you need something?"

The little boy that holding an umbrella just nodded, raising his index as he pointing to the river. Our boy just looked where he pointed, as he turned around.

"Something's wrong with the river?"

"Yes. My mom died there."

The little boy quickly lowered his head meanwhile, Valt's grinned slowly gone. Valt placed his hand on the shoulder, still in the position where he down to his knee.

"My sweet Valt! C'mon! It's already night, sweetheart!"

He took his hand from the boy, as his palm quickly shaped a fist, clenching. The little boy that looked on him, turned to face the magenta girl who's smiling.

"Is that your sister, sir?"

"No, she isn't," our boy slowly leaving a tears to the dirt, still sobbing but the tears already came out. "She's a monster. Don't even near to her, okay?" The blue boy wiped his tears with his left arm, grinning toward the boy. Look, I one hundred percent believe that grinned while crying is seriously hard. But, he just did it easy.

"Okay, my name is Aiga Akaba"

"Huh? Are you sure that's your name?"

"Yeah, Aiga. What's your name?"

The blue boy tried to think and processed that name on his hand, trying to think what was happening right now. The little boy looked on the blue as he titled his head in confused.


"Oh yeah yeah. My name is Valt Aoi," the blue boy even still looking on his appearance, it was so similar to Aiga. But he was little around 5 or 6 years old. Curious, he quickly leaned out his question. "Um, how old are you?"

"Five years old! How about-"

"Valt sweetheart! Hurry up! Why are you there alone?"

That voice, that sentence entered Valt's ear as he processed it. Alone? What is that mean? He was with Aiga. But, why did she said alone?

"Valt, it's me," the little boy spoke up, taking Valt's attention quick. "We're back to our real world, I even can't believe it," the blue boy's eyes widened, couldn't believe his words. "I know you didn't believe me, Valt. But, it's me."

"How can you talked to me?"

"The wristwatch, you remember? It connected with this world. And that brat name's Kris took it from you," the little boy that holding his umbrella, pointing to his wrist. "Otherwise, you must took it again. It's maybe hard, but it's the way."

"Wait a sec, I already killed. . . you al-"

"No you're not, Valt. It isn't your fault," the little boy said as he smiled to the blue boy.

"I honestly didn't understand. My head is dizzy, I even can't think. And that Kris already waiting for me."

"So you're happy that she's waiting for you?"

"I honestly want to beat her 'cause she's waiting for me."

The boys burst into a laughed, a wild laughed. Meanwhile, in magenta's view was the blue boy laughing alone like a crazy boy. The blue boy looked toward Kris with his cold expression, standing up. He walked away with his hands on his pockets, leaving the magenta girl alone. And that crazy female somehow blushed without any reason.

Night, rainy, and cold. That magenta girl holding her umbrella as she walked behind Valt, laughing and chuckling like a crazy. Well, she is. But, different with the blue boy's view, he was walking with the red boy that speaking all what was happened before.

"Hahaha, maybe it's my fault that turned off the flashlight," said Valt as he laughed awkwardly.

"Meh meh, yeah of course! Something's chozetsu wrong with you turning off the flashlight," the little boy that holding an umbrella just walked slowly. "Anyways, aren't you cold?"

"Uhhh, nope? I'm happy."

"Happy because?"

"Cause playing with the rain."

"I think that you're crying like a baby," chuckled the little boy.

"Excuse me? Killing a friend is surely unbelievable. If you were in my position, you wouldn't cry," said the boy, crossing his hands. "You wouldn't cry but, you will tried to kill yourself."

"Hmmm, you've got a point, Blue Boy with So Many Fans."

"Ehem ehem! That crazy girl is behind me!"

"One of your fans, so you must handle it, Valt," said Aiga as he smirked toward the blue boy mischievously.

"How about Shasa? She's your fans, right?" Even Valt didn't want to lose about this unfuctionable conversation. Well, he's got a friend to talked with, so he won't stopped.

"Hmmm, I'll think about it later," Aiga even tried to swung this topic about crazy fans on this world. "We're arrive," said him as he stopped walking.

"Yeah, Aiga," Valt opened the window where he get out from the ballroom and this building. "So, where's it, Aiga?" asked the blue boy, whispering.

"Valt my sweetie, you need to rest. Pick any room you want, okay?" The magenta girl smiled, looking at the blue boy. "And... um... I will say something... tomorrow..." she hugged herself and laughing, that making Valt freaking out.

"You surely need to get away from that girl."

"You can say it again, Aiga. Anyway, where's the wristwatch?" Whispering, he tried to take a steps from the girl.

"I dunno, you just gonna sleep and take a rest. Imma open all the room and sneak out. If I find it, Imma wake you up even it was three or two AM."

"You surely dunno what time is it, right? It's two in the afternoon."

"Oh okay, sorry then."

"Hmm. So see ya on evening, okay?"

"Yeah, see ya."

The blue boy walked to the upstairs, turned leave and then walked toward in the hallway. Kristina, the magenta girl didn't followed him, but she took his pinky bunny phone, calling someone.

"Hello? I need someone to check Valt and make sure he's not going anywhere."

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