Not telling

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So Heeyyyy guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages but have had really bad writers block for this story.... anyway, here it is!! The second Chapter to Good things come in small packages!! :)

Anne Hathaway as Dianna Cresta >>>

I slumped downstairs and into the kitchen, flooding the room with light as I flicked on the switch. I had been getting up late and going downstairs for food and drink rather often lately. Of course, neither mum, dad or Dianna knew about my midnight snacks, I tidied up everything before dad got up at half five and went to work.

I grabbed a plate of cold pizza from last night’s dinner and began to tuck into it, casually checking my twitter feed as I did. Of course there was nothing, it was half past two in the morning and the last tweet was at quarter to twelve. I finished up the pizza and put my dirty plates in the dishwasher before trudging back up the stairs, wincing whenever one of them creaked, it was a small creak but in the middle of a silent house it was extremely loud.

I was just walking into my bedroom when the door down the hall to me opened, revealing my nineteen year old sister Dianna sticking her head out.

“Annie, is that you?”

I ignored her, trying to act like I wasn’t there, she didn’t take the bait and the next minute I heard footsteps coming towards my door, I jumped into bed and pulled the covers up over my head so that she couldn’t see my face. I slammed my eyes tightly together and waited for her to go away, she didn’t.

“Annie” she hissed, closing the door behind her as she tiptoed into my room, sitting down on the chair next to my bed. I curled up into a ball tighter, willing for her to forget and walk away; but being the nice and helpful sister she was, she didn’t.

She reached under my quilt and tickled my foot gently; I squirmed under the blankets and was soon awake, glaring at her in the darkness of my room.

“What’s up Annie? It’s half past two in the morning, and you have school today” she said

“I went to get a glass of water” I lied

“Which is... where?” she teased and my eyes turned to slits as I continued to scowl at her. She carried on “Honestly Annie, you can tell me what’s going on”

“No I can’t” I said, tears threatening to well in my eyes, I wiped them away with a swift touch “I can’t tell you because I don’t even know what’s wrong myself” I sobbed, desperate for her to go “Please, just leave me alone, and don’t tell mum or dad” I whispered, she looked slightly offended that I wouldn’t tell her but accepted my request and left without warning, I peered at my clock and rubbed my teary eyes before curling up under the duvet and falling into a deep sleep.

‘You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey...’

I slammed my fist on my clock, cursing my parents for buying me such a cheesy clock. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes just as my phone vibrated.

Finnick: Be there to pick you up in twenty xxx <3

I smiled at the message, he was always so thoughtful, I loved him so much.

Annie: Okaiiii, see you then <3 xxx <3

I yawned loudly before pulling myself out of bed and towards my closet to change, I pulled out a pair of Aztec leggings and a cute blue tunic, I finished my look off with a pair of cute Mary-Jane’s. I ran a brush through my matted hair and added a touch of smoky eye-shadow to my eyelids before skipping downstairs, my army green rucksack bumping around on my back as I grabbed a waffle from the plate on the table.

“Hey mum” I said cheerfully as I licked my crumb coated lips affectionately. I looked mum’s waffles; they were fluffy and fresh and homemade; gorgeous.

“Hello dear, what are you so happy about?”

“Seeing my friends on a bright Monday morning” I said happily and she chuckled before continuing to cook waffles, just as Dianna slumped down the stairs, her silky brown hair knotted and tied up in a messy bun on the top of her head, she was wearing a long white dressing gown and on her feet she wore the bunny slippers I had given her last Christmas; she was lucky, she didn’t start College for another couple of weeks.

“Hey baby” she said, ruffling my perfect hair, making me scowl.

“Don’t touch my hair” I snapped and she chuckled before sitting down and tucking into a fresh, juicy apple. I was just finishing a glass of water off when the doorbell rang.

“Here comes Finny” Dianna joked, she and Finnick were always calling each other nicknames, she was Dido and he was Finny.

“Bye mum; Dido” I teased and she glared at me before laughing as I left for school.

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Good things come in small packages, 2nd book in the HGG74 series (Annie/Finnick)Where stories live. Discover now