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Sorry for not updating earlier... this was supposed to be published last week but... I'm dealing with something... it feels awful, but I'll be over it... I hope...

Anyways, Q&A section will be opened after this

WARNING: Mentions of sexual and physical abuse to a minor, extreme violence and sadism, blood and other situations that may affect the sensibility of the reader. REALLY THOUGH, EVEN I AM A LITTLE BIT TRIGGERED ALTHOUGH I WROTE IT AS LIGHTLY AS I COULD. IT STARTS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE FLASHBACK TOWARDS THE END OF IT, MARKED WITH ========

Yeah, remember me to update the book warnings


Third Person POV

The echoes of the steps resounded on the walls of the empty, dark halls, the only source of light being the dim orange sunrays entering through the windows. The girl, the devil on Earth, having mind set on one thing, she wanted to know if her friends were alright, then she'll think about revenge.

When she arrived to her destination, she inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself before Mary saw her wanting to kill someone. With her mind not seeing red for the moment, she calmly opened the door of the infirmary, immediately seeing one of the beds being hidden by some in the side of it.

(Y/N) entered, closing the door behind her, and walked towards the hidden bed. Immediately, she saw Mary at the other side of the curtain already stood up beside the bed and looking concerned towards the pretender.

From Mary's perspective, (Y/N) didn't seem that angry, she just looked somewhat worried but what really got her was her appearance. (Y/N) was in a dress she had never seen before and she looked gorgeous to the blonde's eyes.

"What happened?" (Y/N) got near Mary, looking at Yumeko with eyes of pure concern.

"Inbami and Yobami... they set her a trap to get her out of the competition and then used her to bet against Ryouta and myself for the antidote" Mary looked down in shame, feeling a little guilty that she didn't arrive in time to help her.

"The competition? Are you talking about the elections?" Mary nodded.

"Each student in the school received a chip to bet... whoever has the most of this election chips at the end will be elected Student Council President" (Y/N) nodded and got near Yumeko to lower herself a little and lightly caress the psycho's cheek. "I was lucky that the Vice-President and I arrived there in time... if we didn't..."

"The Vice-President?" (Y/N) smiled lightly. "I'm going to have to reward her~"

"Reward her?" Mary looked from the floor towards (Y/N). Due to the position the pretender was in, slightly curved down to reach Yumeko's face, Mary got a clear view of some parts of her back making her to widen her eyes in shock.

Just in that moment, (Y/N) straighten herself and looked towards the shock Mary. "Is something wrong?"

"Y-Y-Y-Your back..." (Y/N) was confused for some seconds before she reached her back with her right hand feeling the uncovered skin. Almost immediately, (Y/N) recoiled and hugged herself... for the first time since Mary knows her, she looked scared, really scared.

"I-I-It's nothing..." (Y/N) looked down to the floor, not wanting to see Mary in her eyes. "M-May I have your coat?" Without a doubt, Mary took off her coat and gave it to (Y/N) who wouldn't even take five seconds before having it on.

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