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Charlotte, Alina, Isabelle and Nina love the boyband The Fooo Conspiracy. They want to be like their idols. They dance, they flip, and ?they make remakes. The girls upload one song on YouTube and Oscar sees it. And finds his sister he left many years ago. Chaz (Charlotte) gets to know Felix. Omar and Alina also get to know each other and become
best friends. Nina, who just do it for fun, realizes this is real. Felix thinks the girls just wants fame and want all they're fans.

Will The CAIN be bigger than The Fooo Conspiracy and take all of they're fans?

After words

Helooo! heres a little start to "Trust"

Hope you guys will continue reading!

/Later! Ari and Andrea

Roller Coaster (English translate)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora