Really Andy?

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Jinxx pov:
"And then I was thinking we could like put giant flame launchers right next to the drum set and every time I hit the drums flames would explode next to me" Cc exclaimed. He was trying to come up with new ideas for when we went on tour. Kellin shook his head, I don't know how he could listen to all Cc's crazy ideas. Don't get me wrong, I love Cc but his ideas sometimes! Just as Cc started to explain about how we could all zip line onto the stage over the crowd I heard someone knock on the door. "Hold that thought C, im gonna go answer the door" i said getting up from the black couch leaving Kellin to listen to Cc's great idea.

Making my way through the kitchen i started to wonder who was here. The person knocked again, damn they were persistent. Most of my friends would just walk in, i really hoped this wasnt some crazy fan. I was NOT in the mood. But as i reached the door i was suprised, Amber was standing there. Hmm, this might be awkward. As i opened the door i realised something was wrong. Ambers makeup was smeared and she just looked... well... terrible? The second i opened the door she flung herself at me and into my arms, silent sobbs emmiting from her. I let her cry there for a couple seconds stroking her hair. "Amber honey, whats wrong?" i asked stroking her cheek and wiping away her tears.

As carefully as i could i sweeped her legs up and into my arms, so i was now holding her bridal style. Quickly, i carried her into the living room. Both Kelling and Cc gasped when they saw me carrying her limp body. Seeing her in this state broke my heart, i was glad she came to me. Setting her on the couch so her head was in my lap i looked at her questioning. "Andy.... He found out about the kiss... He said that we slept together... that i was just a slut... And how he was gonna have to hear about you fucking me... And you were just gonna leave me after you got me pregnant...That no one would ever stay with me because i was just a slut... How i just disapoint him and Ashley and i wasnt worth all the worries i created.... How im just some ungrateful liar" She managed to get out inbetween sobs. By now everyone in the room was mortified and disgusted. Looking over i saw Cc wipe a tear out of his eye, i did the same.

Suddenly Kellin tensed up and balled his fists. "Amber.. Why is your cheek red and bruising" She shook her head and looked away, obviously avoiding the question. He. Did. Not. Rage filled me "amber, did Andy hit you?' i asked. Trying to stay as calm as i could on the outside. For Ambers sake. i could care less about Andy right now. She sighed "Yes, but hes right. I deserved it" she burst back into tears. I was gonna kick Andys ass! Amber did nothing to deserve to feel like this, no one did. CC came over and crouched by Amber, kissing her forehead and wiping away her tears from cheeks. I needed o think right now, and talk with the rest of the guys. "Amber, i just want you to rest ok" i picked her back up bridal style. She practically fell asleep in my arms. She must have run all the way here from her house! Thats like 3 miles. i brought her into my room, and laid her on my bed. By the time i had tucked her in she was out cold.

We all lined up and kissed her forehead. I couldnt help myself when i saw her beutiful face and kissed her lips too and whispered "I love you Ambs, dont you ever forget that". She would never know i said that or kissed her. I headed back into the kitchen with Cc and Kellin, the mood shocked and somber. Cc pulled out his phone for a couple seconds, ehh none of my business. "I cannot beleive Andy did that. It doesnt sound like him" Kellin said, obviously puzzled. "I wonder if... If he was still a little drunk from last night" i thought aloud. I mean, we had gotten home in the morning so it was possible. Everyone nodded "It makes the most sense" Cc said nodding his head in agreement. "Im gonna text Andy' i told them pulling my phone out texting Andy. "be at my house at 6. No later no sooner" i sent to him quickly. Amber would need time to rest but she would want to see him. Besides i wanted to hear his side of the story.

Almost immediately he replied "Take care of my little girl. Please. Do whatever you have too". At that moment i knew he still loved her. And that he would never stop loving her. Eventually she would forgive him, she loved him too much to hold a grudge. "Dont worry i love her just as much as i love you" i sent back. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about Andy and Amber. Eventually it was 5 minutes till 6. Andy would be here any minute, we should probably go wake up Amber, i sent Kellin in to wake her up and talk to her about dinner. Its seemed like he would be the best at getting her to come out for dinner and coax her into the idea. Because im sure she wont exactly be thrilled at seeing Andy. Just as Kellin disapeared i heard Andys car pull into the driveway. I went to the door and opened it for them. They both looked terrible, Andy especially. He had dark bags under his eyesand his cheeks were tear stained. His eyes seemed duller and his eyeliner was smudged. I reached my hand out to shake his hand and i saw his knuckles were wrapped in bloody bandages. He had punched something and ended up cutting open his hands.

Just as he stepped in the house i heard a crash and Kelling yelling, not an angry yell of course. "Im gonna go help him" Cc said and ran off in the direction of the bedroom. At this Andy practically broke down throwing himself onto Ashley. "What have i done" he sobbed into Ash"s shoulder. Ash was also crying, but also trying to help Andy. "Look Andy, she will forgive. Just give her time. She loves you, you can tell whenever shees around you" i said softly patting Andys shoulder. "You mean you dont hate me" he asked looking shocked. "No, we all make mistakes and fuck up. You just fucked up big time" i said honestly offering a weak smile. Andy nodded and stepped inside, well this is going to be one intresting dinner.


sooo, sorry if the format is weird but this is the first chapter i have ever written on a computer. I usually write on my phone! i hope you like the chapter, like, comment and tell your friends! i love you

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