Chapter 32: Varying States of Consciousness

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"Wake up."

Ulsper gave a small jolt as the voice interrupted his half-conscious meanderings. Blinking, he did his best to focus on the person standing beside him.

"Ah, you've changed shifts now?" he said. His voice was rough from disuse, so he cleared his throat before continuing. "That's exciting. I must have gotten at least a minute of sleep just then, because I hadn't noticed. You're one of the lieutenants, right? Nothedge?"

The man glowered at Ulsper but said nothing. Just to annoy the man a little more, Ulsper twisted up the side of his mouth in a wry smile. Granted, it had been easier to keep up the charade at the beginning of the day, and the effects of Kalasha's torture had left him exhausted. But Kalasha had retired for the night, and now was the time to act.

Ulsper's eyes drifted to the other two guards stationed by the door, and then to the water bucket on the table. Earlier, it had been the bane of his existence, as Kalasha had ultimately opted for methods that wouldn't leave any marks and risk her reputation as a good captain, and had repeatedly held his head underwater in attempt to get him to speak. Now, however, he was just thirsty.

"Could I have some water?" he asked. When Ethran at first didn't move, he continued. "If your plan is to wear me down and keep me from sleeping all night, giving me a drink of water would actually help your strategy, wouldn't you think?"

Seeing reason, albeit begrudgingly, Ethran pushed off from his slouch against the wall and grabbed a wooden cup from the barn table to dip into the bucket.

With Ethran's back turned, Ulsper took another look around. Earlier, he had noticed his weapons near a bale of hay, and was relieved to find that they hadn't been moved.

"Here," Ethran had come back with the water. Rather than hold the cup up for Ulsper, however, the lieutenant tossed the contents at his face.

Ulsper let out a slow breath, blinking away the drops. Ethran stared back impassively, an eyebrow raised in a silent challenge for the spy to dispute him. If Ulsper did, it would only give Ethran an excuse to enact the violence he so clearly wanted.

Ulsper didn't take the bait. Instead, he countered with an attack of his own.

"So, you and the captain, huh?"

Ethran froze. "What are you talking about?"

Ulsper gave the man a wink. "Oh, I think you know." Lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, he continued. "Is it awkward around the others, or do they not know yet?"

Ethran turned to the other two soldiers. "Leave us alone for a minute."

One of the guards dared to speak up, her brow furrowing as she did so. "I don't think—"

"That's a direct order! Outside, now! Or would you prefer I write you up for insubordination?"

Ethran's threat was enough to quiet them. The two lower-ranking members of the Imperial Guard turned and hurried outside, though not without suspicious glances back at Ulsper and Ethran.

Finally alone, Ethran turned back to Ulsper.

"I'll take that as a no, then," Ulsper ventured with a slight twitch of a smile at his lips.

"Whatever nonsense you're trying to stir up, I'll have none of it," Ethran growled.

"Nonsense? Nonsense!" Ulsper said. "It's quite clear to anyone with a bit of observation."

Ethran's reaction was subtle, but Ulsper didn't miss the worry that flashed in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I suppose she only calls you Ethran when you're alone, Lieutenant Nothedge?" Ulsper continued. "Does she let you call her by name too, or will it always and forever be just 'captain'?"

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