XVII - Veines - Huit

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Sleeves had taken the opportunity to watch any occurrences now unfolding from above, as she appeared unwilling to interrupt, though she also made no effort to conceal the fact that she was watching. By stopping further along on the second-floor platform, Cassia and Klavdiya were able to catch up quite quickly, their new position allowing the new girl to get a decent look at the young man who'd made his entrance a few minutes ago, especially now that he was with Chief and Monet near the illuminated area.

The boy - Spears, as he was known - appeared to be younger than both Chief and Captain, if only by a year or two. This by no means subtracted from his expression or his gaze, both features possessing what Cassia had come to view as an air of experience, a sort of readiness that stemmed from the lifestyle all those around her had possibly been forced into. How such a young gaze could be infused with such a presence at all was still something that surprised her, but that reaction had begun to diminish over the past few days, perhaps in line with how she'd begun to settle.

Sleeves was quiet, prompting Klavdiya to talk as they joined her back over by the ladder they'd used earlier.

"What's going on?"

"Shush, I'm trying to listen."

All three girls made that same effort to listen now, and Cassia noticed that Sweets was also down below, sat quietly to one side nearby after she'd returned with the things she'd collected for Monet to peruse earlier. Chief was in the middle of talking to Spears, the girl in red remaining seated in a patient manner, that upright posture of hers still carrying glimmers of grace in Cassia's eyes. Once again, however, it was difficult to make out much of what was being said, as the boys spoke in quiet voices.

Spears himself appeared particularly weathered by the world outside the factory walls; he wore a fairly long brown coat that fell almost to his knees in terms of length, though its colour appeared to be largely faded, one of its arms nearly torn away at the elbow, whilst the jeans he wore were black and equally faded, the legs featuring both patchwork - probably carried out by Zisel in the past - and what looked like the beginning of new rips and tears.

His belt was carrying a few utilities, and Cassia could make out both a knife and a small hammer from where she was now stood, whilst she had no doubt that more tools would have been present beneath his coat. A strap ran over his waist, coming down from his shoulder before looping around his front and back, with many little holsters that could have been used to carry a fair few little items or other bits, whilst the back section featured two slightly larger pouches. Only one of these pouches still had a button, as the other had visibly lost one, whilst it appeared as if a third pouch had once been present, also having been pulled off at some point.

His hair was of medium length, his fringe swept out of the way of his face, its colour an almost rich brown - or at least, it would have been, if it was able to see a little more care. His face was actually quite fair, free of grit or any sort of dirt, indicating that a conscious effort had probably been made to preserve some cleanliness, as nobody could really avoid picking up some untidy touches from the environment as time went on.

The bag he'd brought with him was now set down near Chief's chair as they had their discussion, though the boy didn't sit, perhaps because he wished to go elsewhere after he'd relayed whatever news he had to his own leader figure. Indeed, after another short while, Chief nodded and gave his companion a pat on the arm to send him on his way, at which point Spears headed for one of the fully intact ladders on the other side of the building from where the three girls had been observing, which he used to ascend all the way up to the third floor.


Chief had called out to her after seeing her watching from above, and - once he had her attention - he gestured for her to join him below. She was immediately intrigued as to why he would be wanting her to come down, though some inevitable concern also slipped in with such feelings. 

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