Seeing as Monet had allowed them the extra time to spend with the factory children, Cassia didn't protest when the girl in red came their way, announcing that it was time to head back. Klavdiya, on the other hand, tried to garner a little more from her.
"But we were talking about everything we just heard, can't we hang around for a bit longer? Another minute or two?"
"You can talk again on our next visit."
"That could be ages away though..."
"Consider it as something to look forward to. Now come along."
Cassia got the impression that Monet wasn't the kind of girl to budge once she'd settled on a decision or a course of action, and she was surprised that Klavdiya had even bothered attempting to change her mind.
Monet began to lead them back over to the other side of the courtyard, where the stacked-up factory leftovers were positioned to help them scale the wall in a less strenuous manner, and Chief was waiting in the doorway of the main building as they went by, a look of satisfaction on his face as he watched them go.
"Take care you two, do as Monet says." He told them as they went, the fact that he'd come to see them off giving Cassia one last extra glimmer of warmth.
"I always do! I'm not Uliana." Klavdiya replied, looking bewildered, a reaction that he only found amusing.
He wasn't the only one to see them off, however. Whilst Sweets was still playing out in the open space that the courtyard provided, Shipshape now helping to keep her entertained, Sleeves was sure to tag along with them, keeping close to the trio of Jouets all the way to their exit point, even as Chief himself went back inside.
"Will you come back and visit again soon?" She was asking, a hopeful glint in her eyes, a look that wouldn't have been out of place in the gaze of a child who wanted something from one of their elders. Cassia didn't exactly know what to say, but thankfully Monet was swift in replying.
"We will return in a few days, once Zisel is done mending the clothes we've been given."
"Oh, okay. Don't take too long. And don't leave without saying goodbye!"
The young girl's last remark was aimed at Cassia, and this time there was a firm touch to that gaze of hers, a sign that she would probably end up a bit cross if she was to leave without any sort of farewell. Again, whilst Cassia wasn't sure as to why Sleeves had grown so fond of her in such a short span of time, she found such attention endearing nonetheless.
"I won't, okay? Besides, even if one of the courier people takes my letter for me, it'll take time to deliver it, remember?"
She'd already made the point once, but Sleeves looked as if she'd wanted to hear it a second time, either because it reassured her or because she wished to make sure of it. She gave a nod now, a calmer presence returning to her eyes, and Cassia almost felt inclined to give her a pat on the head.
She missed receiving a pat on the head every now and then. Roslindis was an expert in giving them out, and she was quite looking forward to getting more from her soon, even if the servant girl would probably be more eager to give her a very notable cuddle first.
There were still stinging thoughts whenever she considered home and her family members, even after the day's news had offered a way forward that she would actually be able to reach soon. She tried to focus on some more positive daydreams, as cautious as she was in regards to tempting fate.
What would returning home be like, for real? Everyone would be so happy, so excited, and they'd all hug her, and everyone would be smiling and laughing... Adeline would probably make fun of how scruffy she'd gotten, but she would allow that. All she had to do was say something like "at least I didn't break anything" in response.
The three girls climbed up the makeshift scaffolding made of crates and pallets in order to scale the wall, Monet waiting at the top for her two companions, Cassia assisting Klavdiya with getting up. Sleeves stopped here, unable to follow them any further, though she watched as they made their final moves out of the grounds.
"Have a safe trip!"
It was only after they were over the wall that Cassia heard the girl's footsteps, indicating that she'd finally begun to make her way back to the main building, or perhaps back to join the other two children in the yard. Again, Monet waited after dropping down to the other side, and she helped Klavdiya down in a steady series of motions so that she didn't end up falling or hurting herself in any sort of way.
"Sleeves really likes you." Klavdiya said, once they were all across and starting to move again, following the cluttered path back towards the old street. Cassia was a little surprised to hear that it was something of a noticeable nature, though such a reaction didn't last for very long.
"I don't know why she does... I mean, I haven't really done much." Cassia replied, expressing her confusion on the matter as she followed, trying not to trip on any of the bags or rubbish.
"It's almost certainly because you're new." Monet began to explain.
"Sleeves had trouble settling in with the group, back when she first joined them. Perhaps that's why she wants you to feel welcome?"
"Trouble...? What kind of trouble?"
Cassia immediately hoped that it hadn't been anything of a serious nature.
"She was very shy, even more so than you were when you first arrived at our hideaway." Monet replied, and Cassia was surprised yet again.
Sleeves hadn't seemed like the shy type at all. In fact, she would have rated her on the outgoing end of the spectrum, and so it sounded as if a transition had occurred to get her there, judging by what Monet was now saying. If it was true, then yes, Cassia supposed that her attitude made a lot of sense. If anything, it only made it more admirable as well.
It raised similar questions to the ones she'd contemplated regarding others before now, though. How had she ended up with them, where had she come from, the usual, personal queries.
Not much had changed around the paths leading to and away from the factory grounds, aside from the alterations to the walls that she had already taken in. Beyond those, all that was different was the amount of junk - some bags had disappeared, some piles had been sorted through, and there were a good few heaps that weren't present during her last visit, although an equal number had also disappeared since then in turn. She couldn't imagine anything being left on that quieter stretch of road having much in the way of anything resembling any kind of value, and yet it was apparently of use to someone.
The sight of the old street as they set about passing through to reach the slope - where they would naturally be able to get a better look across the area as a whole - got her thinking about the same matters she'd been going over in her head several times over. She had to have something good to give them, something of actual value, in a monetary sense, right? What would suffice, to that end? Seeing as the spare part that Uliana had given her was actually from up top, that was probably her best bet. It must have still had some kind of actual trade value up in Merveille. She almost asked Monet about it, only to fall short of doing so, because this time she felt fairly confident in her own judgement.
From the slope, their observations didn't reveal much in terms of anything new or useful to Cassia, though she wasn't anywhere near as downcast as she would have normally been, considering that she knew someone who would be able to help was definitely coming. Such a prospect did lead to some new concerns, however - what if they missed them? When would they turn up? Would they hang around for long? Given that Monet took two of their group out with her every day, missing them didn't really seem possible, as their outings would surely coincide with their presences at some point.
That was what she told herself, anyway.
Klavdiya had waited below whilst Monet and Cassia had conducted their little scan of the area, and, once they re-joined her there, they were able to start the journey home properly, all immediate matters behind them.
What mattered now was what was before them, more so than ever.
S a l e t é I I
HorrorThat is to say, downhill. Ever beneath. Time fades. Hop, skip, jump. Hide and seek. Scatter, like mice. Things were planted here, and soon they'll grow. No tears, little one. Red doesn't always mean danger. They've all had their tumbles, and learn...