Can't Wait to Leave

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You stare blankly out the window of your bedroom with your book still open in your lap. You had completely forgot you were even reading. You're just staring out, looking mainly up at the sky, totally zoned out. 

A loud bang from downstairs caused you to snap out of your trance. Mom was making dinner, she was always loud with the dishes and cabinets when she was cooking. You look back down at your book and struggle to find where you even left off. 

This book was a boring muggle book, it didn't even interest you, but you had no other books at home. That's one of the many things you miss about school, the library, all the books about every kind of magic out there. You had none of those when you were here other than the ones you've already read for classes. You've always loved books; entire lifetimes enclosed between two covers.

Around ten minutes later you can hear, "Y/N, dinner!" from downstairs. You swing your legs around and get out of bed. You can hear your joints popping as you stand from how long you've been sitting down. You make your way downstairs and to the table for dinner.

"It's your turn to do the dishes tonight." your father says as soon as you walk into the room. Every night one person is responsible for the dishes and making the kitchen spot less. You simply nod in response. You and your father have never really been close even before you started school at Hogwarts. You seem to disagree on almost everything. He can also be pretty intimidating when he's mad, especially when it has something to do with your school. So, you've learned to not say anything when he's wrong. Though, you are certain it is not your turn to do the dishes.

Everyone starts to eat in silence, which you don't mind. Most conversations you and your family have at dinner are vague and usually end in some sort of argument. So, you don't say anything to break the not so awkward silence. 

Then, your mother has to ask,"Y/N, are you excited for school next week?" How do I tell her I cant wait to get out of this house without pissing her off?

"Yeah, I really miss my friends." you lie since you don't have many. "I miss being able to use magic."

Your father had to step in and say, "Maybe you could've used magic to convince the sorting hat into putting you in Slytherin." Here we go.

Every Jones in your bloodline was a Slytherin apart from yourself. You've always felt like a disappointment because of it. Your parents are a constant reminder of that.

"Dad, really. We're still on that?" you snap back. Its been two years since you've started school there and you dad still can't accept the fact that you were put in Ravenclaw. As if it's your fault.

"Come on. You know it's not her fault." mom say defending you. She is always your protector against his wrongful word towards you. It seems like she is actually proud of you for being a Ravenclaw, though it's practically her fault you are. She was always the one to read you stories every waking hour, teach you everything about the world.  "It could be worse. She could have been a Hufflepuff." You happen to like Hufflepuffs, but decide to stay quiet.

"I just don't understand why she was put there. Sure she's a nerd, but we were both in Slytherin." he slams his hand on the table.

"I don't know either." she says calmly, ending the same argument you seem to have every single day. Both off them leave the table once they finished and you pick up their dishes. 

Stare at the soapy sink as you scrub the plates  you think, I can't wait to leave.

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