Is This the Mate Thing?

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"I'll start at the beginning with my birth pack."

Cecilia sighed closing her eyes. Hammer looked over at her seeing her struggle to open to him. He looked back up at the sky and waited for her to continue. After about five minutes she started to talk again.

"My original pack was called Briar Rose. We lived in a town a few states away from here. My parents were the Alpha and Luna. I had a twin brother Ceenan and one of us would be the Alpha. Typically, the lead positions in the pack are passed down, because of the strong bloodlines. When Ceenan and my wolfs developed, when we were around 12 or so it was clear that I was going to be the next Alpha. Things were great, not perfect, every family has their problems. I was able to convince my father to let me pursue tattooing in the town over for a while. He didn't want to force me into the Alpha position too early. Not tell he felt I was ready. It seemed like life was going to be perfect. Until one day three years ago."

-Flashback 3 years ago-

A motorcycle pulled around the circle drive of a large estate, stopping in front of the large double doors. Located just on the edge of the large city, the pack estate was a huge piece of property. A large mansion that housed the pack, over 40 of them lived there, more lived in the city and gathered at least once a month to eat together and run under the full moon. The acres of land were partially fenced and backed against the forest so that they could run in peace with little worry about humans.

As Cecilia pulled her helmet off, she could hear the hear the household, chaotic as always. Slipping through the front doors Cecilia quietly took off her leather jacket and shoes. Following the sounds of giggles and puppy yips down to a large open room where a dozen or so pups of varying ages in both human and wolf form played and wrestled. She leaned against the door crossing her arms as she watched the kids play for a few minutes.

The pack house was so full of life and joy, there was never a dull moment. Cecilia moved away from the kids and headed to the heart of the house, the kitchen.

Several women and men bustled around, prepping food for an army. Cecilia looked around searching for one woman in particular. She spotted the Luna at a counter, standing in a patch of sunlight. Her thick black hair was pulled up in a messy bun with several pencils sticking out of it. An apron was tied around her waist over a bright yellow sundress. She was tiny, only about 5 feet tall with a curvy hourglass figure. She was covered in flour and was furiously kneading bread.

Cecilia smirked and came up behind the woman, throwing her arms around the Luna's waist and squeezing tight.

The dark-haired woman squeaked and looked over her shoulder at Cecilia, "Cecilia! When did you get here?"

"Hi Mama!" Cecilia pressed a kiss to the woman's cheek and let her go, "Just now."

"Trent, take over the bread for me." Cecilia's mother, Octavia wiped her hands on the apron and put her arm around her daughter's waist guiding her from the kitchen, "Let's go catch up, my dear. It's so strange, you being away from home."

"Fuck Mama, you know how important this is for me. This is what I want to do, and this shop is the best. I'm already making a name for myself."

"I know dear. Your just lucky Oscar was working there already. Your father would never have let you go if there hadn't been a pack member there." Cecilia rolled her eyes, aware of the overprotective Alpha and his hopes for her and Oscar. She joined her mother on a couch.

"Did Oscar drive up with you? Your father was to see you both this full moon."

Cecilia rolled her eyes, "Is this the Mate thing again?"

"He just wants what is best for you dear." Octavia smiled softly "Your brother has found someone. He's bringing him tonight."

"Great, let dad bother them about Mating. I have other things to think about. Plus, Oscar is like my brother, we've known each other since I was born, that's just gross."

Octavia sighed deeply; she pushed a strand of Cecilia's hair behind her ear.

"Cecilia, your 23 years old, soon you'll have to start taking more responsibility in the pack. You're the next Alpha. Your father feels that having a Beta like Oscar as your Mate is a smart choice, he's only 3 years older than you. We can't all wait for the Moon Goddess to show us our ideal Mate."

"It's not about the Mate bond Ma. I'm just not ready for a mate, any mate and I really don't want to be forced together with someone I'm not even interested in." Cecilia grabbed Octavia's hands. "I'm not trying to disrespect you or father, and when its time, I will step up as Alpha but please don't force me into a mating."

Octavia smiled at her daughter and pulled her into a hug, "I'll speak to your father my dear, but you will have too as well."

Cecilia sighed hoping she had bought herself another year or two of not having to talk about mating again. Maybe by then Oscar will have found his mate and her father would let this idea of them together go.

"Tell me about my brother's new boy." Cecilia replied hoping to distract her mother. "Is he actually his Mate or just another boy Ceenan hopes is the one?"

Octavia sighed, "Your twin is so different from you, such a hopeless romantic. He's sure he's found the one every other week." She chuckled sadly. "This new one is better than the others, however long he lasts. Ceenan says he feels the Mate bond this time, sparks and everything."

"Love makes fools of us all Mama." Cecilia squeezed her mother's hands and stood up. "I'm going for a ride before the pack dinner. I need to clear my head before dealing with Father."

Cecilia walked back through the house and out to her bike, stopping for her shoes and jacket on the way out. If she had known what was going to happen, she never would have left.

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