Chapter Three: Hopes and dreams

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When Aki finally got home she went into her living room and sat down on the couch. She got her phone out and put her earbuds in, finding a random song and listening to it, she then started to get lost in her thoughts. Her thoughts started off random like, This day was weird or, Why do people eat pineapple on pizza hmmm, maybe I should try it? I don't know, but then her thoughts started drifting into thoughts about Valory. Let's be honest here however... she was actually pretty cute earlier... she was a bit rude however... agh stupid conflicting thoughts. Aki's thoughts had continued to wander. But always seemed to go back to Valory. Stupid Cupid! He should be a demon instead. Maybe if he didn't do that, I wouldn't be thinking about this stuff. But then again she is.. kinda hot and cute... wait would she be a top or a bottom? Oh my god! What am I thinking?! Maybe I need some sleep!! Yeah, that'll help clear my thoughts!! Aki decides to get up and go to her room so she can sleep. However, while she was laying in bed trying to sleep, her thoughts did anything but stop. Valory's eyes were soo pretty, I could stare at them all day, it's like I was staring into a deep pit full of emeralds shining and sparkling whenever the light had hit them, and her- actually no, everything about her is absolutely stunning.. damn I'm back to top or bottom.. Well I'm more of a bottom I know that... she seems more of a top.. I think... I wonder what it'd look like for her to- NO- Why am I like this in just under a day?! Stupid fucking cupid I'll beat his ass. Luckily for him it's Friday so there's no school tomorrow. I really need to go to sleep. Aki finally starts to drift off to sleep. But before she could, she hears her ferret scampering around under her bed, which was the ferrets hidy-hole at this point. Sighting Aki got up from the comforts of her bed, grabbing the ferret from under her bed and bringing it to its cage, locking it in fur the night before going back to her bed and going to her Cerberus form. Curling up and falling asleep, which had proved to be a mistake.

—-dream world—

When Aki entered her dream the first thing she saw was Valory carrying her bridal style away from the beach. Aki was wearing a wedding dress, it was a white sleeveless mermaid dress. While Valory was wearing a suit, nothing special to hers but it was perfect to Aki. As they enter the getaway car they share a short kiss, setting down Aki next to her as she looks directly into Aki's eyes. Valory's eyes had a sparkle that Aki couldn't explain but it was mesmerizing nonetheless. As they drove off to the honeymoon the smiles on their faces never left even as they pulled up to the airport they were smiling. They were planning on traveling for their honeymoon, not too far just out of state. They didn't think twice about staying in their wedding clothes even throughout the plane ride. Once they had landed, they both had called an uber to get to the hotel they were staying in. It wasn't that expensive luckily, just in the right budget for them to stay in for the week. As they entered the apartment, leaving all their stuff in their suitcases they looked over at each other slowly getting closer for a kiss. But then Aki woke up


Aki woke up slowly, blinking to try to wake up. She then realized what she dreamt about, she started blushing like crazy. Why the fuck would I dream about that?! Oh yeah I know! It's the idiots fault, him and his Cupid powers! is his fault.. right? Whatever, I should get ready for the day. Aki got up and got dressed. Hmm, what should I do today? Maybe I should call Penelope and see if she can hangout today. She tried calling Penelope which unfortunately went to voicemail. So she decided to go to the park nearby instead. Aki started to make her way to the park, it was only a five

Minute walk away. The park had a giant oak tree near the outside of the park. There was a forest that looked mystical right next to the tree. The oak tree had lots of branches that were perfect to climb, the leaves made it so you couldn't really see if a person was sitting up in the tree. This was Aki's favorite spot to think, hangout, or just chill. She mostly liked to sit up there alone but occasionally Penelope would join her. She started to climb the tree but was surprised to see that someone was already in her favorite spot to sit.


"Hm?" Valory responded, taking out an earbud so she could hear Aki.

"Oh sorry I'm not used to other people sitting here, I'm usually sitting here alone."

"Well I like this spot so, now you have company. Or you can always find a new spot." Valory said, claiming the area as her own officially.

"Oh.. I'll just stay here." Sitting next to Valory and taking a breath.

"Anyways what kept you so busy earlier?" Valory's eyes widened at the question, obviously taken off guard.
"Just some chores." Valory said. However Aki didn't seem convinced. After all her reaction to the question proved so. After that question a comfortable silence fell upon the two. Or at least for a minute.

"VALORY MINO MONROE GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Came a scream from Valory's mother. Who held a panicked look.

"Sorry Aki guess I have to go. See you at school." Aki could've sworn she saw a look of panic fill Valory's face for a second as Valory had mumbled something and walked off with her mother who literally dragged her to her car. Aki didn't know how long she was staring at the place that her friend once was. A worried look had seemingly melted onto Aki's face. I hope her mother doesn't yell at her too much, her mom looked so worried-

"No she didn't" She sees Luna appear from the shadows, her tail wagging around and a conflicted look on her face.

"One why were you going through my thoughts, and two how would you know?!" Aki asked, obviously a bit angry at the Sphinx for looking through her thoughts.

"I didn't go through your thoughts. It was simply that obvious. And you know as a nightmare sphinx I have to look after nightmares and dreams all together. I noticed something odd with her dreams however." Luna had said. Not even she could hide the amount of worry that she held.

"Her nightmares we're all connected to one thing that's pretty... uncommon let's just say and to say it's worrying is correct this time." Luna had added. It was obvious that the Sphinx was exhausted, she most likely went into the dream files again... Aki had thought. Oh god.. I hope Valory is okay... hmm should I follow her? No I can't, she might get mad...

"Hey, what are her nightmares mostly about..?" Aki asked, looking from the branch to the floor.

"That is not my place to tell you. It violates the ruleset of my kind."

"Oh. Sorry" Aki had rubbed the nape of her neck a bit nervously.

"Anyways mind explaining why you're outside at midnight" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion with a smirk.

"Could it be the dream I left you?" She snickered before dodging the shoe Aki had thrown at her.


"Oh no he did help." Aki face palmed at this, and started rubbing the bridge of her nose. Aki took a deep breath before saying,

"Why do you BOTH do this to me?!"

"I mean... he paid me soooooo" Luna held a ten dollar bill in her hand.

"Hey PAYED YOU?!" Aki growled a bit in anger.

"Yeah now. Get back to bed I have another dream order for you."

''Better not be another Valory one." Aki barred her teeth as a warning before heading home and straight to bed, unaware that this time a wet dream was what Luna had planned. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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