As momonga appeared where the head warrior was he was almost instantly blasted by the 'angel' not prepared he took more damage then he should have but still nothing to him as albedo went in to a blood rage slightly but this time momonag did not stop her as albedo started to rip and tear through solders of BOTH sides attracting the attention of the genestealer group sent to protect the shoulders in red as they started to close in on albedo through the still ongoing battle.
The genestealers struck first as one tried to leap on albedo prepped to strike but with a hasty turn from albedo she blocked the strike al be it barely not having time to questioning genestealer s we're attacking her she slashed at another genestealer trying to leap on her tearing two arms of the genestealer as another got a strike on her back armor.
As the genestealer who struck albedo on the back kept back he got sliced in half by albedo axe (axe spear thing) but before the battle could continue Momman appeared from a teleportation spell as the battle came to a close the knights in red armor having won seeing the knights won one of the genestealers ran as another tried to creep back in the woods as many knights wondered what creatures they were.
Not long after the battle the genestealer that stayed close by started to follow the knights as they started to walk away unseen and in the shadows
With momonga
Right now momonga did not feel happy after his test no slightly mad almost very mad as him and albedo walked through the portal once again and in to the arena starting to head down to revernce 'area'
Eventually after passing muitble groups of tyranids they made it to where revernce lay eventually momonga spoke "revernce." With that revernce awoke from his slight slumberRevernce
He looked up to see momonga inside his mind he almost chuckled at his friend being mad but none the less he got up facing momonga both now staring each other down even albedo slightly prepped as the tyranid guards turned (most being tyrant guards) the groups now facing each other revernce was the first to speak bowing his head slightly as he spoke his tyrant guards claiming slightly "momonga..."
((BAMADA BAM BAM cliffhanger))
————————chapter 5 end—————————-