Summer Term Spurts

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(You're in 4th year and your best friends are Ron, Hermione and Harry.)

After a rather long summer break, the return to school sparked a realisation in you. Before, you were never quite interested in all the boys but this year they were HOT and you were prepared to take action.

You could NOT take your eyes off the boys. They had all just gotten so...attractive. Their voices were deeper, they had sharper jawlines and most had significant growth spurts.

And as for you, you had managed to have some sort of glowup too. The boys stared you up and down as you entered the main hall. You felt so powerful,  as if you were on top of the world.

One boy in particular caught your eye. Harry. You had liked him last year but not as much as you did now. You couldn't tell what it was about him but something inside you made you want to make out with him right there and then. But, of course, you couldn't as you were both sitting in the middle of the hall...amongst the rest of the school.

After all announcements were read and dinner was eaten, you made your way towards the Gryffindor common room with Harry. He seemed awkward. He couldn't even look you in the eye whilst speaking to you. And so you confronted him. You asked;

"Harry what's the matter? You've been rather reserved ever since we got back.."

To which Harry blushed and gave a half smile. He replied;

"Can I be honest, (Y/N)"

"Of course!" You squeaked.

"Well...since we've been back at school...I've noticed that...well that you..." Harry seemed at a loss for words. He stuttered as he tried to articulate what he was thinking.
"Never mind. It doesn't matter." He said as he hung his head.

"Harry please tell me. I'm here for you." You ambitiously stated but it was no use.

He ran far ahead of you, and lost himself among the large crowd of students walking up the stairs.

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