Chapter Three: Honest

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Chapter III. Honest


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Forth is enjoying a cup of bitter coffee and a green view of trees and fog that he cannot find in Bangkok. he smiled thinking how happy Beam would be seeing this. Yup, every second of his life he spent thinking about Beam. Even when Beam wasn't there.

But Forth's attention was distracted when he heard the roar of a car. From the sound of the engine, Forth could guess there was a problem with the car's engine. Forth glanced at the parking lot which is directly below his room. His father looked annoyed while looking at the engine of his car. Forth smiled.

"Pho, want Forth down?" shouted Forth.

Forth's father looked up "Do I have to beg you to come down before you want to move?" replied his father.

Forth laughed softly. His father is not the kind of sweet guy. That was why he could easily face Beam's sharp tongue. He already had someone who was even worse than Beam. Someone he loves no matter how sharp tongue the guy is whenever they meet.

"How many times has Forth said. Just sell this old car, or replace the whole engine," said Forth, watching his father's car engine. Forth's protests made his father hit the back of Forth's head strongly.

"Why do I pay so much money to study in Bangkok, if you can only say that" protested his father.

Forth smiled. He cleaned some components and glued others. Sweat ran down his forehead and his hands and face were full of oil. But he liked this. He likes to improve or create things. It felt a sense of satisfaction when he saw a machine running on his hands.

"Try it," said Forth. His father walked to the driver's seat and started the engine again. The engine roared slowly. The engine still didn't work so Forth went back to touching some components.

"Now try again," said Forth. His father stared lazily but he still started the car engine.  Forth's Father's face brightened when the car engine started roaring smoothly. Forth smiled with satisfaction and closed the hood of the car.

"If it is maintained, Pho will only spend money to replace car components because this engine makes its components obsolete," said Forth.

His father looked at Forth from inside his car. Forth is cleaning his oil and sweat marks

"Young people know what. If there was no car, you and Bai would not be able to be born safely" protested  Forth's Father, touching his car gently. As if his old jeep was a woman.

Forth snorted and shook his head "whatever" he said as he was about to walk back to his house.

"Hey, where are you going?" his father protested.

"Breakfast" replied Forth.

His father chuckled and showed the box in the passenger seat. "There is a lot of breakfast here. We can eat in the garden" ordered his father.

Forth looked at his father for a moment before he smiled "Why? Afraid the car will  break down again?" teased Forth as he climbed into the passenger seat. Forth put the food box into the back seat.

His father rolled his eyes "You think you are the only one who understands machines. I have many workers who understand machines" protested his father.

Forth smiled slightly and put on his seat belt without saying anything. If he was the old Forth then he would continue to fight with his father. But after being with Beam, he learned to give in to win.

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