Chapter four: Selection

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The Vongviphan family decided to forget about their lunch. The two Vongviphan seniors sat in front of Beam with cold faces. They sat in the living room to confirm their eldest son's words.

Beam sat in front of his parents without any expression. He knew he would be met with opposition so he didn't expect too much. Meanwhile the two Vongviphan seniors didn't know where to start. They never thought that Beam would give shocking news like this. Even though they have to admit that they are busy and they never really follow Beam's development but during this time, Beam has never caused a problem that worries them. Even though Beam likes to party or play, Beam always obeys the rules. He has always maintained his achievements. Even when the two Vongviphan seniors found out about Beam's muttering behavior, they didn't do anything. Because they believe Beam knows his limits and can take care of himself.But the news they heard was beyond their expectations. Even though they believed in Beam, they still didn't understand.

Why did Beam choose Jaturapoom Jamornhum?

Why did Beam choose a man?

"Why?" That question was the first to slip out of Father Beam's mouth without him accidentally.

His question made the wife raise an eyebrow. Is that all? Look at him. Beam's father looked back at his wife. In all his life he had never scolded Beam. How does his wife expect him to scold Beam when he grows up?

Beam cleared his throat " Pho means? Why Forth and why choose a man?" asked Beam

Both parents nodded quickly. Beam stared at the two coldly.

"Is it because Phana and Kit are dating a guy so you um ... Are you curious?" asked  Beam' Mae.

Beam stared at his mother intently "Curious? If Beam did it out of curiosity, then Beam would not talk about Forth to Mae and Pho. If only curious Beam could have slept with him once or twice and then left him"

Beam's reply made their parents pale. They didn't want to imagine Beam and Forth.

"I-if he's a man like Phana, Pho will understand but why is him? Don't you see the way he smokes and see his tattoos ?! Pho sure he's not a good boy either" said  Beam' father while showing Forth's old photo that he got from social media.

This time Beam'Mae looked at her husband in satisfaction. She was happy that her husband finally dared to get back at Beam.

Beam glanced at the photo "The photo was taken for a long time. Forth no longer smokes now and about tattoos, Beam can't do anything. Beam will make sure he doesn't do anything harmful to his health" Beam replied.

The two parents still stared at Beam coldly as if they were dissatisfied with Beam's answer. Beam cleared his throat.

"Forth, he may look like a delinquent kid but he is serious about his future. He never fights without any cause. He is liked by many people. Compared to Beam, he has more friends. Indeed, Beam initially rejected him many times because he was like what he was. Mae and Pho, having a relationship with a man was never Beam's plan. But ... "Beam looked at his parents closely and a faint smile grew on his lips. he thinks of how Forth helped him while they were collecting donations for his faculty and how Forth was injured to protect him

"No matter how many times Beam refuses, Forth doesn't give up. He chases Beam like a fool. He makes Beam worry about him if he's not around Beam and he ...." Beam lowered his face ".... Makes Beam happy if he is be near Beam "a red tinge on Beam's face.

Beam's Mae expression softened. How would she still be angry if Beam said that the man was giving Beam happiness. To refuse it meant to make Beam suffer. His mother instincts emerged. But Beam'father didn't budge.

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