Chapter 8

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"She did this just so that she can have a better life," I looked out the window as we watched Sister Krone play with the children outside, "What a monster, she doesn't even care if the kids here live or die!" Emma grits her teeth, "She said she won't ship us though," Gilda says, "What she meant, is she can't," I turned my head around, I fidgeted with my fingers, Ray came over and stopped me from picking the skin by my nails, "If she really wanted us to escape she'd just have kept quiet and helped us," Norman looks down, "The only reason she's showing us her cards is to try and gain our trust," Ray untangles my fingers, "Then what's the point in doing that?" Don asks, "It's all so she can get solid evidence of our rebellion, in other words, she's in a position where the higher ups won't trust her, unless, she has proof, she doesn't have the power to ship us out like Mum does," Norman fills us in, "Evidence..." Gilda mutters, "Wait! What if she finds the rope we hid in the tree!?" Don freaks out, "It's fine, explaining the rope is easy, we can say we were gonna use it for a game, but..." I looked down, "If she finds out about the tools to break our trackers, we're done for," Ray drops his hands, "That kind of evidence would be hard to explain," Norman nods, "No need to worry, I'm not gonna let that happen, I'm not done making it anyway," Ray says, "That won't be an issue if we just say that we don't know where they are or how to break them, I'm sure Sister Krone would believe us if we play our cards right," Norman says, "Hang on, are you going to Sister Krone's room? I know it was nice that she offered to share information but don't you think it's risky to go?" Gilda asks, "Hang on, why are we cooperating with her? Does it give us an advantage?" Don asks, "If we use her effectively we might learn something useful, additionally it'll keep her out of the way so we can focus on the inspection," Norman says, "Well be fine, we have to use every opportunity that we can!" Emma puts her hands on Gilda's shoulders and giggles, "Ray, can I talk to you? I want to talk about the investigation," Norman walks up to us, "Oh, okay," He nods and slowly walks off with Norman after pecking my head. 

"Ray?" I felt my bed dip with extra weight, "Mmhm," I heard him grumble, "Smile," He says, I wasn't ready and I was blinded by a bright light, "Ray!" I whisper yelled, everyone else was asleep, "How'd you get such a bright light?" I rubbed my eyes, "Watch," He pulled me up and tucked me between his legs, he held a small square next to our faces and I gasped, an image appeared, "It's like you froze a moment in time," He smiles softly, I snickered, "Not a very pretty angle or picture is it? Take one from my good side," I joke, he chuckles, "Every angle is you good side, you're perfect," He kisses my cheek, I wasn't ready and he snapped two photos, we watched as they developed, "That's so embarrassing!" I buried my face into the pillow, "I think you look adorable, besides, if anything ever happens to me, at least you'll have me forever with you," He slides one of the polaroids to me, "Ray..." I looked at him and hugged him tight, "You're not going anywhere right? We'll escape together, you promised you'll stay with me, you said you'd stay alive with me," I felt tears prickle but I wouldn't let them fall, I heard his heart beating in his chest, "I did say that didn't I? Well I guess I plan to stay with you as long as I can, there's always times things can happen, we never know if we can even live to tomorrow in a world like this," He strokes my hair, I didn't want to believe it but I also knew it was true, "Ray, I don't want you to leave me here alone," I cuddled closer, "I don't want that either," He gently rubbed my bruised cheek, "Come on, let's go to sleep, you'll be too tired for tomorrow, besides I need to take a picture of my future wife in the sunlight," He grins, "RAY!" I whisper yelled, he chuckled lightly, I blushed bright red and buried into his chest, "I hope one day I can fulfil my dream, that dream being you," He lifted my chin up, "I said I wanted to escape and settle down with the man of my dreams, well let's just say my dream has changed. I want to settle down with the bedhead boy of my dreams," I giggled, he pretended to scowl but he smiled, "Let's go to bed, goodnight, I love you." He pulled me closer, I sighed and took a deep breath in, it smelt like Ray, it smelt safe, "I love you too..." And we drifted off to sleep.

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