Chapter 11

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For the next few days, I got the rope out, I climbed up the Wall, "I need a way to get to the other side," I touched my chin, "The only way is to make some kind of zipline, but now to hook it on the other side?" I sat down, I fished out the spare shoelaces I took out of my pocket, "A bow?" I snapped a twig off a nearby, I flexed it back and forth until it was pliable and flexible, I tied the shoelace to one end of the twig and fixed it to the other end, I got another stick and tied the rope to the end of it, before firing the arrow, I tied the end of the sheet rope on the trunk of a tree incase it didn't make it, I closed one eye and fired it over the ravine, it got around three quarters of the way before it started losing momentum, I grit my teeth and slowly hauled the arrow and rope back up, "It'll work, I just need a few more practice runs," I smiled and tired again and again. Little did I know, a white haired boy was getting shipped off, not in my place but headquarters asked for him, but why?

House POV

"Good morning to you, my darling children. Now let us appreciate all 35 of you are able to live happy lives under this roof, thank you for the food." Mum says the prayer, "Thank you for the food," The kids chirped, Ray just stared at his food, not eating a bite, Emma managed to force down a bite of bread. They were heading outside for free time, Ray saw Nat's cup taken away from the shelf, he grit his teeth and went to the library, Emma went outside and laid by the tree. "Emma looks sad again, I've never seen her look like that," Phil says to Don and Gilda, "Yeah," Gilda hangs up the sheets, "Me either," Don nods, "And it's not just Emma," Lannion was holding a foot pump, "Ray too," Thoma held an empty soda bottle, "They look, so depressed..." Thoma looks at the ground, "I'd say so, Norman's gone and Nat..." Gilda held her mouth and tears fell down, Lannion and Thoma felt bad reminding her, "Don't say her name," They turned around, Ray's bangs covered his eyes, "I'll find her, I'll bring her back. She promised me, we're gonna get married, then grow old together, she isn't gone!" Ray shouts, everyone looked down, Ray was distraught. "So, what is it?" Ray sat down, it was night and the four of them went to the dining hall to discuss plans, "We should start deciding what we're gonna do, I mean, for our sake," Don says, "Whatever, who cares let's just die here. The cliffs make it impossible to escape, and the only bridge is attached to headquarters, plus I'm tired. Really tired. How is someone going to tell me to live when the only thing that gave me the will to live is dead now? Because we couldn't get the escape done sooner," Ray hung his head down, "Here, it's yours," Emma holds out the device Ray's been building for six years, "Keep it, I don't need it, if you wanna escape, then do it, sorry Emma. I'm out," Ray looks up, he has dark circles under his eyes, his eyes, they lost its shine, he looked dead. Emma walks out of the room, "Ray! Come on," Don says, "I'm sorry, Don, Gilda, sorry." Ray's head hung low again. Emma went to her bed and sobbed, Mum came in, "You poor thing, I can tell you're in pain and suffering, Norman and Nat are dead, Ray's lost hope and you can't do any of this on your own, you must be so despaired, knowing you'll never be able to escape, you should've listened to me, the best way for you to end all your suffering is to give up, so stop resisting, it's easy, you'll feel better, I promise," Mum cups Emma's cheeks, "Hear me out Emma, please, I've been thinking about it, and I would like to recommend you as the next Mum candidate for this farm," Mum sits next to her, "Mum candidate?" Emma asks, "That's right, if you become an adult and give birth, then prove your abilities, you can return to this house and watch over it as a Mum or Sister, you have the right to that option, so if you're at all interested, I want to recommend you." Mum hugs her head, Emma jerks back, "I'm sure you're thinking who'd accept that offer? But what else can you do to stop this? It's over, you have nothing, death awaits you, you'll continue suffering, live, and strive to become a Mum, and you'll be free from pain," Mum holds her face, "No, I refuse to do that," Emma shakes her head, "Fine then, you can whine in agony as you reach your end, you'll never be able to escape, you'll come to realise it sooner or later," Mum's voice changed and she walks out, Emma falls on her bed and cries. It was Autumn, Emma sat with a dead expression on her face by the tree, "Emma!" Phil cries, Ray sat at the top level of the library, he flipped through all the pictures of him and Nat, his hand hung down and flopped behind him, the clock ticking seemed to taunt him. 

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