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You explain to Klaus that you're not comfortable with his ways of keeping you safe.

"Come on. Talk to me, love."

Arm's crossed over your chest, you kept looking outside the car window, refusing to meet Klaus' furrowed brows and concerned eyes as they tried to gaze deep into yours for answers.

He reached forward and placed a hand on your thigh; an action that sent chills down your spine. You wanted to forgive him, you really did. But, you had had enough.

Yesterday, the witches has plotted, once again, to destroy the Mikaelson blood. Being Klaus' girlfriend, it surely put you in a tremendous amount of danger. Of course, Klaus wanting to play hero and protect you from harm, compelled two of his vampire minions to keep you locked in a room till he returned. Some would've found his actions heroic and protective, but you were certainly not one of those people. You found this blatantly outrageous and rude and an attack against your freedom. Instead of being happy when Klaus came back home, you had simply brushed past him — shrugging off his worried inquiries about your irrational behaviour — and going straight back to your apartment.

Now here you were, side by side, in his car. He had insisted you come along, not leaving till you finally gave in.

"Y/n?" He said, softly. It almost came out as a whisper.

Slightly melting at his soft tone, you shifted your head slowly to look at him. His dark blue eyes were swimming with emotion. Like cold depths on a moonlit night. This was a rare occurrence because, when you usually looked at them, they were void of any sentiment.

Klaus' face lit up slightly when your eyes met his. Slightly. Now, Klaus isn't one to show much emotion; almost always pretending to not care and trying his best to maintain his stone cold facade.

It'd be cheesy if you said you saw right through it. But you did. You most certainly saw the good in him. When he was around you, he was different. He smiled more often, his dimples playing at the corner of his mouth. He'd make you laugh, watch you with a grin as you rolled your head back with uncontrollable laughter. He'd let you sleep in his countless Henley t-shirts because it smelled like him and it made you feel special.

But none of that mattered much. Because after all, he was still a maniacal, sadistic psychopath that everyone kept warning you about. The one who never really learned how to love. How to protect. He never really gained an understanding of the fact that being dominant and controlling is not how a relationship works. You don't lock your girlfriend in a room for seven hours without explanation and planting two bodyguards to make sure she doesn't leave and then expect her to be okay with it. That's just dysfunctional.

And so he had to know that.

"Klaus." You breathed. He gazed deeper in your eyes — an act that made you feel exposed and vulnerable — scouring them for answers. "I, um, so yesterday-" You were clearly at loss for words. Words that usually came out so easy. This was the only way he knew how to love. How could you tell him that was not it? "Alright, I'll just say it." You took a deep breath.

He nodded, clearly confused.

"You can't keep just keep me prisoner when we're under threat, Klaus."

He stared at you. Then, there was a hint of a smile playing at the edge of his lips which only served to infuriate you more. And then he smirked.

"Oh God, you find this funny?" You huffed, turning away from him in annoyance.

"Oh no, love, I don't." He tried to cover up but you could literally hear the smirk in his voice. He reached forward with his hand and tilted your face to meet his. As you looked into his eyes, he continued, "I was just trying to protect you. The witches would've killed you." He pointed out.

"Yeah, but, I don't want it this way. I don't want to be cowering away in fear. If the witches really wanted to get me, then I'm sure a locked door and a handful of vampires wouldn't have stopped them."

"No one will ever get to you as long as I live, y/n." Klaus murmured softly, reaching out to tuck a stray piece of hair that had fallen out, behind your face.

"Yeah, I know that but-"

He silenced you with a finger to your mouth. "I get you, love." You stared at him, wide-eyed. Klaus Mikaelson being understanding? Were you dreaming or what? "As much as it pains me to say this, I won't use my methods of keeping you safe because apparently, well you know."

"Yeah." You smiled at him, cupping his face with your hands and planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "Thank you for being understanding about this." You whispered softly.

"For you, love, anything."

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