imagine ii)

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imagine you get bit and klaus comes and helps you recover

"Well, yeah. I always wanted to be an ice cream taster when I was a kid." You grinned, looking up at Klaus who chuckled softly.

Your head was resting on Klaus' chest, as you snuggled onto his side, playing with the buttons on his shirt as the both of you watched the fire crackle and spit  sparks peacefully. It was moments like these with Klaus that made you fall in love with him all over again.

But of course, this was New Orleans and all of this was usually short-lived. As if on cue, Klaus' phone rang and you sighed in irritation as you heaved yourself off him and lay back on the comfortable sofa. Planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, he stood up and received the call.

His expression immediately turned into a frown as he began to pace back and forth the room. "What?" He muttered, a dangerous edge to his tone. "I'll be there."

Standing up alongside him, "What happened? Is everything okay?" You asked, concerned.

"Yes, love. It's just Marcel business." He strode towards you, squeezing your shoulders and planting a firm kiss on your cheeks. "I'll be right back. Will you be here?"

"Yeah, most probably."

"Take care, sweetheart." He stated, over his shoulder and in a hurried manner, exited the Mikaelson mansion.

Sighing to yourself and rolling your eyes, you slumped back on the sofa and turned on the television, attempting to spend time. You were sleepy; your head lolled and the muscles on your face relaxed. And before you knew it, you drowned in the oblivion of sleep.

There was a thud; a creaking of the door; heavy footsteps making their way towards you. You woke up. Rubbing your eyes to make the sleep go away, you checked the time on your phone. You had been asleep for an hour. Looking around to locate the sound, you found someone leaning against the door frame, staring at you. A face you didn't recognise. Alarm coursed through your body as you immediately stood up and began to step back.

The person smiled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "The princess is finally awake." He grinned, walking towards you.

"Um, I'm sorry, but you are..?" You asked, raising an eyebrow but cautious all the same.

"I'm no one really," He grinned harder. "I'm just here to meet Klaus, where might he be?"

"He's out right now," You muttered. "I can call him if you-"

Quicker than the blink of an eye, your phone was snatched from you and had now found company in the hands of the stranger.

"I don't think so." He replied, playing with your phone. "I am just going to leave a gift for him when he comes back."

He sped over to you and then all you saw was his fangs digging deep into your neck followed by a piercing pain. Letting out a loud cry, you fell on the floor, your left hand pressing on your wound in an attempt to stop the blood from pouring. The man had sped out of the house and you were left all alone; blood trickling down your neck and onto your shirt as you tried to muffle your cries with your other hand. Getting a little dizzy by the blood loss, you felt your vision being obstructed with white dots as you tried to heave yourself up.

After what felt like days, there was a loud noise and Klaus came storming into the room.

"Y/n?" He called out. When he found you lying on the floor with a blood drenched t-shirt, his eyes widened and he immediately knelt down infront of you. "What- I've got you, love."

Biting his wrist, he brought it to your mouth as you felt the warm metallic taste of his blood against your lips. Immediately, a snug feeling coursed through you and you could feel yourself getting better that instant.

Klaus scooped you up in his arms and placed you on the sofa. "What happened, sweetheart?" He asked, trying hard to keep the anger at bay. "Who did this to you?"

You shifted your head slightly to meet his gaze and your eyes met someone very very angry.

"I don't know." You stated, "I had never seen him before. He asked for you."

"This is my fault. You got dragged into this because of me." He muttered, running a hand through his wavy hair.

"Klaus, no." You managed weakly, reaching out to hold his hand.

Klaus looked at you, "I will kill that son of a-" His raging expression immediately softened when he saw you wince, moving your neck. He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed it gently. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

He grabbed your wrist gently and led you to his gigantic bathroom. Running a warm water bath, he turned to look at you.

"Y/n, I'm actually really sorry."

You silenced him with a pointing look and enveloped him in a strong embrace, your head resting on his chest. Taken aback at your gesture at first, he slowly melted into the hug and wrapped his arms around your back, nuzzling his head in your hair and planting a kiss every now and then.

"I love you, Klaus Mikaelson." You smiled against his chest.

"And I you, love."

Klaus Mikaelson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now