Encounter and trouble part 2

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"Huh? Oh I was shopping with iwa Chan and we were about to go into that cafe." Oikawa said with a pleasent smile. Hinata continued to act. She noticed that she was latched onto ushiwaka. "O-oh sorry." She said blushing. Ushiwaka was frozen. 'Too cute!' Ushiwaka thought. Oikawa was getting more annoyed at the awkward silence between the three, it was like a girl being flustered from being near her crush. And of course being the ladies man he is he knows from experience. "Chibi chan, I didn't get your number before." Oikawa said with his lady killing smile. She immediately stopped blushing. "Oh ok here." She said nonchalantly.

'Huh!?!? Does she not have any feelings towards me!?!?' oikawa said in his head. 'no no it's fine just continue to play it cool. Yes you can do this oikawa!' oikawa thought. Hinata and oikawa finished the transaction. While ushiwaka was feeling jealous he was to out of it to glare or object. 'I wonder how I should explain my feelings after all she is going to be my bride.' ushiwaka thought. " Hinata shoyo." Ushiwaka said with his deep voice. Hinata flinched she wasn't scared of ushiwaka she is with kageyama twenty four seven, her acting was going well. She could feel the heat rising to her face. "Y-yes?" Hinata said with red cheeks. 'does chibi chan like ushiwaka!?!?!' oikawa thought.

Well he was wrong she was just acting, she didn't like ushiwaka but she didn't hate him, maybe. "I-" ushiwaka started but got cut off. "U-m can I please have your number!?" Hinata asked eagerly while holding her phone near ushiwaka's chest. With a scorching red face 

(Insert oikawa being jealous noises)

Ushiwaka had taken her phone and put his phone number in. He then gave it back to her. You could practically see the shining light surrounding her. Oikawa wasn't even mad that Hinata had asked ushiwaka for his number and made it seem like she had a crush on him, he was feeling fluffy inside. ( ꈍᴗꈍ) What Hinata didn't realize was that what she did actually made ushiwaka like her even more. Oh boy, she is in for a treat this training camp.


'What is the dummy trying to do anyways?? I thought she hated ushiwaka.' tsukishima thought. He was getting tired and decided to take his leave, but he later was gonna regret that. He texted her and told her he was leaving. She didn't respond, he acted nonchalant about it but he was actually hurt inside. He acted rude towards her but he actually loved her and he knew that. Tsukishima walked away with a light pink blush scattered on his face.


"U-um well then I'll be going then, see you later oikawa san!" Hinata said. "Bye bye chibi chan!" Oikawa said waving and smiling brightly. "Bye Hinata shoyo." Ushiwaka said with a slight smirk. Hinata made her face heat up by secretly holding her breath. "Your welcome! I-I mean bye!!" Hinata said before running off. 


'Hopefully my plan worked! He should hate me and then use all of his strength to fight me on the court!'

Hinata paused.

'WAIT DID TSUKKI  LEAVE ME?!?' Hinata thought

She started moving side to side with her bike clattering and moving in that motion with her. She grunted and muttered things about suckie. But also smirking about her match with ushiwaka.


"Hey you," oikawa said to ushiwaka. Ushiwaka turned. "How do you know chibi chan?" He said. Ushiwaka just looked blankly, he could tell from oikawas tone and the look in his eyes that he liked hinata. Oikawa was annoyed as always. "Fine then don't say anything wise guy. It's not like I need to know anyway. I just want you to know tha-" oikawa said before getting smacked in the back of the head by none other than iwaizumi. "Shut up!" Iwaizumi shouted while oikawa cried from the pain in the back of his head. 

"Sorry about him." Iwaizumi bowed shoving oikawas he'd down with him. "You are fine." Ushiwaka said. "Bye then." Iwaizumi said. As him and oikawa walked about 2 feet away ushiwaka spoke. "Oikawa," oikawa and iwaizumi both turned around.

"You should've come to Shiratorizawa."


Thank you for reading!

Also school is starting soon for me so I might post a bit more.  😊

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